Surprise, surprise. Gran Turismo is forgotten again
Surprise, surprise. Gran Turismo is forgotten again
I think it was more to do with expectations in a relationship. In a platonic relationship the only thing you want from a friend is companionship and their company. Anyone who chooses to be your friend with no exchange of anything means they’re in your life because of a mutual desire for eachother’s friendship.
I give this post a BAAAAAAAAAAAM
Do keywords count as a line? If not, Fynn is still in play
My cat did that to me exactly once. I saw him lying on the floor relaxing, so I bent over to give him a pat, and the little charismatic fucker reached up with both paws, grabbed my arm in them and pulled my hand in for a big hug. My favorite memory of that cat.
A manual auger works even better and doesn’t splash
Yeah, once I just strummed through it instead of trying to steez my way through the hammer-ons I got through it really easily.
I had read that they create downforce so they stay put on a conveyor
Task failed successfully. Among the first things broadcast to space was Hitler’s speech opening the '36 olympics
For real though, why would Green shoot last night?
4 lives in world 1? You better figure out you’re gonna need those
Court of the crimson king vibes
Why would you shoot this rock for the damage one did 66m years ago?
Remember T/F/I/L Mag-rf is more effective than drawing
What is this meme format called?
The Catholic church doesn’t like it when you look up and think about what you see
“Because I fucked your mom” is the obvious answer
9 & 10 for this guy