If you would have read the more than the subtitle, you would know that it was indeed Epic who did this.
If you would have read the more than the subtitle, you would know that it was indeed Epic who did this.
Which is what happens in Charles Stross’ “Quantum of Nightmares”. Except it involves a good deal of Blood Magic, meatgrinders, zentai suits and abuse of the workfare system. It seems the author was very angry when he wrote it.
It just goes to show the average age of anons. Too sad if they plateau around that.
If you like the chemistry between Tennant and Sheen, go watch the BBC series “Staged”.
The real impact of the 9/11 attacks: There is direct line from shock and confusion to nationalistic rhetoric and “'OOORAH!”- patriotism to the rise of the Tea Party, the growing influence of the Evangelicals up to the emergence of Trumpism and Qanon.
They even got that low-polygon aesthetic.