And yet…
Rules for thee but not for me. Same as always.
And yet…
Rules for thee but not for me. Same as always.
He was agreeing with you…
I think I phrased this badly. I wanted effectively a digital filing cabinet software with OCR/tagging—not just OCR alone. It looks like paperless-ngx ticks all those boxes.
This does sound great. I really do want to move bills older than 6 months (and other records in general) backed up to my PC as well as cloud storage.
Do you have any recommendations on this sort of thing? Ideally, something that scans with OCR and makes things searchable. Failing that, I may have a project for myself to do…
The Human Horn is a strong aphrodisiac.
That’s not an apt comparison.
More like “we’ll have flying cars 50 years from now.”
I think it’s from Injustice 2, no?
I see hypnotoad, personally.
Eating that cost me 3 kidney stones, but it was worth it.
Sarcasm is hard to portray sometimes.
The joke is “oh, you almost got us to revisit Reddit because porn”
If it “makes me feel better”, fine.
If it “makes it so I’m not contagious and won’t give you Covid”, no.
I don’t have the hope you do. The sheer number of people that believe the moon landing was faked is just plain crazy. There were soooo many people involved with that process, yet it’s still not believed.
It’s an unnecessary folder if you’re running 64-bit.
Add my stories to your list.
My 3 yo son got diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma and had surgery to remove a chunk of his spinal cord (that’s where the tumor was). He finished his first round of chemo and was scheduled to do some in-patient PT at a facility 0.2 miles away from the hospital he was in.
I straight up said “send it to collections. I don’t care. My son has cancer.” They fought for 6 months before going down to $250. I gave in.
Another: There’s a medication you take to cause your marrow to produce white blood cells quickly (the downside is that your bones feel like your burning—at least that’s how my son described it at 3 years old). This medication saves money in the long term since it means fewer ER visits for a cancer patient.
Coverage denied. Every. Time. Appealed every time, and got it covered. I probably spent close to 20 hours on calls & on hold just to get it covered for each treatment (~50 weeks I think?).
I make decent money (by my area’s standards) have very good insurance through my work, too. Despite all that, I had to dip into retirement & college funds to pay for various treatment. Hit out of pocket maximum every time and they always find something to deny.
It was fucking exhausting. Still is with ongoing issues and regular scans. He’s clear (so far) but man, fuck paid health insurance.
There is no way the virus functioned. Seriously. The guy had no tech background.
WMI was introduced in XP (I think? Was it later?) and asking WMI for the version string was pretty common.
When my (then) 4 yo was undergoing chemo I had a goto line I used often when people would comment on my mask:
Honestly, if you’re still masking and get flak, just say the above anyhow. You have my permission.