Why should I provide more sources if you’re just going to derail the conversation and then examine the coat of paint (news platforms) shit stains (like Nigel) are painted with?
Why should I provide more sources if you’re just going to derail the conversation and then examine the coat of paint (news platforms) shit stains (like Nigel) are painted with?
You can fist-fight the air by hyperfixating on the source and keep on missing the point all day long, the fact remains foreigners and communism are the fan-favorite scapegoats of the majority of the Europeans.
If you had actually read or paid any attention to the video included in the article posted, you’d know that it wasn’t Nigel pointing fingers at another politician for being “too communist”. This isn’t in defense of GBN or Nigel. It doesn’t matter what source of information is used here, it doesn’t change the established behavior of Europeans blaming every slight inconvenience/loss on foreigners, communism, etc… Why does this have to be spelled out for libs.
Just because it’s not from your favorite mainstream source of slop, doesn’t mean we can’t critically engage with the material.
and blaming communism, despite the fact that there’s no communism to be found in Europe
You don’t understand, the U.S. was sold to Russia in 2016, then it was reclaimed and thanklessly saved by our harm-reduction, lesser-evilism enjoyer (very wholesome), then it was hopelessly sold back again to Russia just recently…
Congrats on confirming that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
That’s true, starting from this year. I couldn’t find more information about this through primary sources of how tedious it is compared to your average long-and-arduous visa procedures that Global South countries are subjected to, but it appears to be a relatively quick non-process: https://www.axa-schengen.com/en/visa/visit-schengen/usa#1
The reason for his deportation wasn’t because “he didn’t have a visa” like the original comment purported as one of the points, or a lack of a visa-waiver for that matter. It was clear-cut “he’s too brown for our liking” but with glitter all over.
If that’s the conclusion you’ve arrived at after reading nazi-friendly content, then you’re probably a nazi too.
Ali Abunimah was born and raised in the U.S., so we can safely assume he possesses the U.S. citizenship and passport. What does Switzerland’s official immigration website have to say about U.S. citizens? Oh yeah, that’s right, you get full-on red carpet drawn for you:
And if the state designates an organization as a terrorist group, then that’s that right? We can just throw away our critical thinking (assuming we had any in the first place) and let the state known for rubbing elbows with nazis do the thinking for us, right? Piss off with that racist bullshit.
I’ve re-read this several times and I still don’t have the slightest clue to what you’re referring to, lib. It’s clear-as-day that you’re just another “They hate us for our freedom” folks and don’t actually care about freedom or privacy for all.
What “healthy European” freedom looks like:
What “healthy European” privacy looks like:
the two types of people in this world (if you’re not a lib), literally the embodiment of the Mario says/Luigi says meme: