Und plötzlich sieht man überall Leute, die sich ein Leberwurstbrot an die Stirn kleben.
moved from lemmy.ml
I think streaming makes music a “throwaway” product.
I well and fondly remember when a new album of my favorite band came out and I met friends at the music store to listen and buy it from my saved pocket money. And I still habe most of these albums… and I still listen to them… all though they live on my music players hdd permanently
Without a doubt “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”.
I agree, but whatever they say … who do I trust? I’m paranoid enough to trust only my own network capture.
I’m almost certain that is not conform with GDPR in europe to pre-enable checkboxes.
I’m no lawyer but I read it that way and will probably be disappointed.
I’d be more worried to put something with a battery in an environment of like 200 degrees Celsius. I hope I’m just wrong … but to me that sounds like fire