@Vodulas @averyminya I bounced pretty hard off deadlock as an overwatch player. It’s really just a moba. The shooting feels like garbage and all the important bits are the farm and build stuff.
@Vodulas @averyminya I bounced pretty hard off deadlock as an overwatch player. It’s really just a moba. The shooting feels like garbage and all the important bits are the farm and build stuff.
@Coelacanth @ndondo yeah the games are lower priced later because their value actually does decrease. I find myself simply never playing or purchasing games that I was going to wait for a price drop on. It’s kind of like watching a championship game from years ago. Even if you personally don’t know the outcome something is lost from not being in the right moment for it. This varies more with games but I think people undersell it.
@thingsiplay @DdCno1 this list is actually wild. Random flash in the pan games high up but also a bunch of evergreen classics and old games that were revolutionary but largely unplayed today while also missing some of the most popular games on PC. Not sure what this list is supposed to be except maybe engagement bait.
@savvywolf @Xatolos agree the article is probably disingenuous about real data usage but 180 / 1000 / 8 * 60 * 60 = 81
@AdellcomdoisL @overload there are plenty of top players using gamepads in the fighting game community these days. As it transitioned online and arcades sort of disappeared entirely there is less bias toward fightsticks emulating the arcade cabinet experience. Not to say they aren’t still the popular choice but gamepads aren’t considered garbage like they were.
@Quexotic @GreyEyedGhost for what it’s worth I’ve been working on Linux servers professionally for 15 years and I use a windows desktop and an osx laptop both personally and for work. I can’t think of a particular advantage a Linux client environment would give you. The last thing I want to do in either place is extra work making my local environment functional.
@PlainSimpleGarak @TheRtRevKaiser one white dude to what I suspect is another: be better than this. You get to say you don’t care because of many privileges you enjoy. Most everyone else has to care about this because of how it affects them. No one is even asking you to champion the cause but could you at least not actively be a dick about it?