It’s just a short story that’s like a 10 min read
It’s just a short story that’s like a 10 min read
i didnt fuck my cat. i didnt cum on my cat. i didnt put my dick anywhere near my cat. Ive never done anything weird with my cats.
Or the French revolution, for that matter
God, we have a near identical life experience here, even the same age funnily enough. Though I have childhood trauma from my parents on top of that
I relate heavily to what you said. It sucks hard. It really sucks feeling like you’re losing out on your youth because you were set up for failure from the people who chose to have you and we’re supposed to be the people who cared for you
Then again, it’s also really useful as propaganda of the deed
In the right circles you do yeah
Though it’s mostly lesbians posting it
Language has always been changing
Making fun of people for alternate spellings or words is silly, this is how language has always evolved
I also like food, which is why I hate capitalism
(Under capitalism it’s profits over people. Profits over feeding people. How could you ever justify food insecurity in a country like the US otherwise?)
What if it’s impossible to leverage it without falling into a cyberpunk dystopia?
Not entirely true, there is the thermoelectric generator too. Though it’s not very practical
Genuine question, what’s wrong with stock footage? What else should they use?
No but you don’t understand nobody saw this coming, it’s not like we had to, god forbid, change things now, did we?
Unfortunately the political situation in the US was completely unpredictable 😔
It really is a weird sort of cognitive dissonance that killing and eating a cat lands you in jail but killing and eating a pig nobody would even blink twice
Like, yeah, the person probably is not okay in some way, but what justification is there for jail?? And not just like, therapy at best? Why is a cat’s life valued so much more than a pigs or cows life? Is it just because they are culturally considered cute? That’s a fucked up thing to set legal precedent upon
If we consider animal abuse to be bad, then we’d better be consistent
“I can’t express the disappointment, shock, disgust that this crime has brought to me. I don’t know what could prompt anyone to want to eat a cat,” said the judge.
“You’ve embarrassed this county. You’ve embarrassed this nation. More importantly, you’ve embarrassed yourself,” added Forchione. “To me, you present quite a danger to our community. This is repulsive to me, I mean, that anyone would do this to an animal. And an animal’s like a child. I don’t know if you understand that or not.”
I mean, reading this spoken by people who, I would assume, eat meat is wild to me. And as far as I can tell, this was not someone’s pet
Deadlock isn’t as bad but god, the amount of racist, bigoted, and straight up fucked up things people have said are tiring and enough for me to never want to be on a mic
There’s only so many times you bother listening to someone yelling at their teammates, throwing out slurs, or even telling people
to get raped
Before you just start considering perma muting everyone
I presume it’s due to African American Vernacular English (AAVE), there is a cultural aspect there that is detectable through voice
Then again, it’s not exactly trivial to solve the traveling salesman problem, not to mention all the real world considerations on top such as gathering everything to a central/sorting facility, last mile delivery, packing and unpacking, avoiding traffic/collisions (If applicable), errors, unpredictable circumstances, and so on
I’m sure improvements could made, buuut it’s a tough problem for sure, and it’s more important that something gets where it should at some point, than it getting there quicker
I’m just really tired of telling people about the obvious, and every time history keeps repeating
I don’t believe it’s just convenience, it’s as you said, people don’t care about the long term. In anything.
A big corporate platform (or whatever else, like, say, oil companies vs climate protesters) will always have more resources, whether it’s for development or marketing, so people will always have to be a bit willing to not have full convenience for a better world
If we don’t think about the long term, what are we even thinking of instead?
If it was at least it’d be good to live in it
Meanwhile our real world is still a hellscape even with the child sacrifice