By putting the dollar sign first on checks it prevents someone from changing 100$ into 1100$
By putting the dollar sign first on checks it prevents someone from changing 100$ into 1100$
Insurance is like WIFI. You just want it to work without thinking about it. It’s only when there is a problem that you get angry.
And this picture doesn’t show the more recent models with the mag lock power, hdmi, and sd card reader.
Type c ports are the best. I connect my monitor through one and it has a type ports on it for a wired keyboard and speakers.
2 hours is reasonable for a movie. It’s when it goes to three that it needs to be a really good movie.
Just some light treason.
Just Almond Joys and Mounds.
A hole would be something, this is NOTHING!
Better yet, put it on the wall at the local library and see how long it takes someone to notice.
I hear electric cars all the time, they are not much quieter than an ice car. We don’t need to strap lawn mowers to our cars in the name of safety.
I have not online dated. Are the people with blank profiles interesting people at all? Or are they just there for a hookup?
You didn’t meet your spouse on World of Warcraft?
If it is equal representation, why does having districts make the rural vote heard? Whether it is one person one vote or 100,000 people one vote it won’t make a difference.
Everyone will still have their representatives and senators to hear them. In fact I think we need to increase the number of representatives. It needs to be a number that a person can reasonably represent. Say 50 or 100 thousand people per representative. This would also help with gerrymandering as having a lot of small districts would make everyone’s voice louder.
But for national positions like the president, we should have proportional votes, preferably with getting rid of first past the post that got us stuck with the two party system to start with.
As a Washingtonian I also dream of that. It is ridiculous that only people in states that are kinda purple have their opinions heard.
No sir, I don’t like it.
If he’s Mac, where is Me?
I haven’t read the study, but most of these would need a placebo group, so divide the herd into thirds, one with no paint, one with stripes, and one fully painted white to get a baseline for each group. Also would be good to randomize which group each cow goes in each day so to rule out one cow who is especially tasty to flies.
My county in Washington state has a website where you can check the status. I even get text or email notifications for the status. “We received your ballot”, “the signature was verified”, “your vote has been counted”.
There was even a problem with my signature once and all I had to do was log in and verify it and it was counted.
You can even use this argument to avoid mowing the lawn.
In high school we called it “Worship the Chicken Before It Destroys You”