I’m sure the brain damage didn’t help
I’m sure the brain damage didn’t help
The Democratic party is over.
We need a leftist party in the US again.
The Democrats have to please their rich donors.
It was never about helping their voters, just appearing as if they wanted to help was enough.
People are waking up to the fact that the Dems are as fucking useless as the Republicans.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
I remember when Fetterman was running as a progressive.
Then he had a stroke and it turned him into a regressive
The good cop bad cop duopoly has been in effect in the united states since citizens united.
Both sides literally do whatever their rich donors tell them. Because they will lose their campaign funds and won’t be allowed to stay in office if they defy their owners.
The Dems have given up. Because it’s time for them to take a vacation after playing the part for their rich donors for the last 4 years.
We should keep them all trapped on twitter forever.
It’s a good containment zone for the trash.
If you see someone supporting Trump tell them to go back to twitter and block them
They should all have their excess wealth redistributed
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
He’s probably has had dementia for a while, that’s where his lean and dumptruck ass come from.
Ok but you understand how you just moved the goalposts like 4 times right?
You can delusionally hate poor people because of a strawman you hallucinated, it’s a free country for now.
Ok live in your fantasy world where the CCP public policy doesn’t say that.
I’m sorry but a dictator for life is a dealbreaker.
I’ll admit that a truly dedicated and benevolent dictator could run a good society, there are a few examples in the past too.
But it’s going to collapse once daddy dies like every dictatorship.
It’s rare for more than half the country to vote.
They aren’t protesting, they’re apathetic
If you talk bad about the dictator they take away your right to buy train and airline tickets to escape the country.
This is real policy.
There are repercussions for saying you want free and fair elections, that is unacceptable
If you can take the Chinese Government for their word. Which I can’t
You’re right it would have been better if nothing happened at all
Thanks for showing up as an example of what a sympathizer looks like