Fair enough. I’ve tried using twitch on my Fedora laptop with FF and I get blocked out by their browser message so I assumed that they were restricting access to chromium only.
Fair enough. I’ve tried using twitch on my Fedora laptop with FF and I get blocked out by their browser message so I assumed that they were restricting access to chromium only.
Isn’t that just because Twitch doesn’t allow you to browse it using Firefox though?
Absolutely! Black Earth gets semi-regular rotation around these parts too.
Mainly black and old school death metal. Also some ambient and contemporary classical.
They weren’t even in the same league though graphically (on PC). Crysis really was that one game which blew everything else out of the water. In many ways it set the precedent for companies to implement ultra quality settings which only worked with the very best GPUs of each generation.
Obligatory netshaq post about the reheat function https://youtu.be/dpf3bxQVLu8
We’ve been using tsp at my work for years and it works well. It is just a very basic queueing system so if you can run the job from the command line then you can run it via tsp.
Our workflow is to have concurrent jobs run on the remote servers with cron and tsp but you should be able to trigger remote jobs over SSH also if you prefer to have a single machine in charge of task allocation.
Will always upvote Dr. Collier. Her 4 hr nu-trek video was one of the best video essays this year too.
I would say heroism has plenty of cultural emphasis already, perhaps too much even. The prevalence of superhero movies, calling anyone who served in the military a hero, all of the nurses/caregivers/essential workers during covid: there are so many examples of loud proclamations of heroism in US/Anglo culture. It is clearly a value held by the vast majority of people.
I think instead we should be looking at the messages people are actually getting from all the hero worship, rather than what we think are the important take-aways. Things like exceptionalism, having strength to prevail against one’s enemies, making hard decisions for “the greater good”. Finding good stories to combat these potentially damaging and counterproductive ideas is where we should be focusing our cultural energies IMO, rather than more hero worship.
Same here! I thought it must’ve been for the Brisbane Olympics, not the ones bloody 4 years ago.
I prefer bands like Skepticism, Impaled Nazarene, and Desecresy personally but each to their own 😉
Wait til you hear their music
You just unlocked a repressed childhood memory from when I was 10 and we spent our lunchtimes playing MTG outside the school hall. Every day for months one year a group of girls decided to rehearse a dance they were choreographing to Animals by savage garden so we had to listen to it being constantly played, rewound, played again, stopped, repeated, ad nauseam. It made me hate savage garden for years after with an unrequited fury. I don’t think I ever fully recovered.
The thing for me wasn’t so much the game choice but the placement. It feels like they took a big bag of 100 of the best games and randomly picked them out one at a time. If you start to ask is Y really better than X on this list then it starts to make less and less sense.
Smart Audiobook Player +1 such a good, feature complete app.
What use is grief to a horse?
Not my favourite but Sleepaway Camp is an absolute classic of so-bad-its-good 80s horror with an unforgettable ending.
They had this at the screening I went to. I wonder what they’ll do for the home release version?
Don’t watch it because it won an Oscar, watch it because it is a beautiful, sweet movie about animals helping each other.