laughs in tumblr
Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
laughs in tumblr
Blind guardian - curse my name
Legit, i thought that thing in only murders was just a bit
yes, we do.
as does everyone who sees this meme. No one is putting the two on equal footing. Not in the slightest. Except possibly you.
This is a black humour shitpost sub. Might wanna move past without input
It’s not even the same jacket. Fucking boston bomber mkII
I grew up in a house where bolognaise was a near-sacred endeavour that took all day for a batch lot that gave us freezables and lasagnas for months. Stepmum tried to feed me spaghetti in a can once. It…did not go well
Although oyster sauce is pretty fckn mint with chicken nuggets
Legit hissed at that faux pasta in the middle. That is not sauce.
Not just couples, Debbie Reynolds stepped out after Carrie Fisher died
You can be intelligent and still stupid. Ask any owner of a ginger tom
It’s a reference to a character in the film Idiocracy, who appends “brought to you by carl’s jnr” to every sentence because he gets paid for the mention. Even if it’s completely unrelated to what he just said.
Ceoptera evansae would like a word
Time to dust off the ol’ snake oil dancing shoes!!
It sounds like you are creating a scenario entirely out of whole cloth. The comment was made in context referring to a post that had an unrelated link attached to it.
Is that hyperlink a bad copy/paste or is there some connection there that I’m not understanding? <-- Literally your words here
Brought to you by carl’s jnr
Nope. Seamonkey is what you want.
Badger badger badger. Explain that shit to a boomer