That’s u/spez?!?!?
Holy shit, 10,000 switches in my brain just clicked and the output is “Schadenfreude Upgraded.”
That’s u/spez?!?!?
Holy shit, 10,000 switches in my brain just clicked and the output is “Schadenfreude Upgraded.”
Trump thinks his entire life is a TV show.
It’s often the first step in getting yourself out of a deep depression. The feeling of accomplishment can sometimes create enough momentum that you start creating healthy habits for yourself. Don’t knock taking that first step; it’s the hardest.
I told a former friend of mine that I’d lost so much respect for her judgment of character that I couldn’t continue pretending not to look down on her and that it would be best if we stopped hanging out together.
No regrets.
Congratulations, you missed the point.
To be fair, Trump’s governing style does make a lot more sense if you think of it as based on the game rules of Baba Is You.
Women are privileged by the patriarchy in some ways too, so I guess misogyny’s back on the menu, right? /s
Dumb misandrist.
Believing in law and order isn’t inherently right wing, nor is wanting to change the system rather than raze it to the ground. People who say the things you do above are anarchist extremists who are just as loony as the facists they oppose.
Okay, now I’m OoTL—where are you seeing a bunch of folks hating on Wikipedia?
That’d be nice if it was actually what happened.
I’m not debating the idea that these tariffs were a limp dick scare tactic that got meager results, but it’s not like they got no results. Just functionally no results.
When the primaries are over and there’s no viable third party candidate in the running, yes, third party vote = throwaway vote. Your idealist thinking is what’s short-sighted.
So, who should someone who “really cared” have voted for? To you, a vote for either viable candidate signifies apathy to the Gazan struggle, so only a throw-away vote or not voting signify true caring? Is it even possible in your mind for an American voter to care about Palestinians and the fate of their own country?
So, not all hospitals have inpatient psychiatric facilities, but most have emergency rooms. If they aren’t equipped with an inpatient facility, obviously there’s no place to admit them to and all they can do is either keep them in the ER for a few days for observation or send them to a facility that does have an inpatient psychiatric unit. Also, if they don’t have any psychiatric units at all, I can see how their ER might lack a mental health provider who can adequately assess a person who comes in on reports that they reported suicidal ideation in a therapy session with their outpatient provider. However, any hospital with an inpatient psychiatric ward will usually have what’s called a comprehensive psychiatric emergency program (CPEP), which is effectively a psychiatric emergency room (sometimes integrated into the actual ER, sometimes not), and they obviously will have psychiatrists to assess patients who come in during mental health crises.
My point was simply that outpatient therapists and psychiatrists are fully capable of assessing the seriousness of a patient’s suicidal ideation and that a trip to the ER isn’t always necessary. Patients should only be sent to the ER against their wills when the outpatient provider is not convinced that the patient won’t harm themselves before their next session.
Sorry, I know that was wordy, but I hope I answered your question.
I agree. And so did the programmers at Bethesda, apparently in hindsight, because that wasn’t true in either Morrowind or Skyrim. I don’t know why they implemented it that way in Oblivion.
Correct, the potions you created in Oblivion only had the effects from its ingredients that you knew at the time you created it. Said potions don’t gain those effects once you know them, but the same recipe will add new effects once you learn them, and thus you might need a different recipe to make the potion you’re trying to create.
If you’re at that point at 25, you should probably reassess your dating choices over the past decade.
Honestly, people’s relationship troubles almost always have more to do with their issues with their relationships with themselves than they have to do with their relationships with their partners. The two are intertwined, yes, but fixing the former will almost always fix the latter, while fixing the latter will almost always not fix the former.
Get some good therapy. It’s worth every penny.
Wait, is the lumbering seal your husband or you? Does it matter? I’m confused.
As a therapist, I totally agree with what you’ve written above. However, I also have the unfortunate experience of working with mental health providers (mainly psychiatrists in pill-kiosk roles) who will send patients to the ER if they mention any suicidal ideation out of a paranoid fear of losing their license. Thankfully, ER doctors tend to actually assess the seriousness of said ideation and don’t admit people who aren’t seriously considering self-harm, but it’s still an ordeal.
So, I would simply add to your advice that if any mental health provider calls 911 at the mere mention of suicidal thoughts, get yourself a new provider immediately. That provider either hasn’t learned how to properly assess suicidality or is too chicken-shit to do it (far more likely, the latter).
No, taxes go down, while prices go up. The net result is greater cost to the middle class and the poor, but they can just pay attention to the tax cuts and huff Trump Glue to resolve the cognitive dissonance.