You misunderstood me. I have nothing against progress. Medical progress is great! But what is often sold to us as innovation is not progress but just more nonsense that only pretends to get us further.
You misunderstood me. I have nothing against progress. Medical progress is great! But what is often sold to us as innovation is not progress but just more nonsense that only pretends to get us further.
Exactly, innovations no longer help to satisfy real basic needs, they are used to create new, artificial needs. Always new toys that make us feel like we’re making progress.
Innovation is a scam, it breeds endless bullshit we keep buying and talking about like 10 year olds with their latest gimmick.
Look, they replaced this button with A TOUCHSCREEN!
Look! This artficial face has PORES NOW!
LOOK! This coffee machine costs 2000$ now and uses PROPRIATARY SUPEREXPENSIVE CAPSULES!!
We need progress, which is harder to do because it takes a paradigm shift on an Individual and social level. It’s much less gadgety.
Agreed! So let’s stop wasting time and energy (get it?) by fantasizing about a nuclear future and push renewables. There is no alternative anymore, let it go.
I really hope so! Unfortunately, being VERY LOUD is important to motorcycle-men and part of their ridiculous sense of community and freedom. That’s why I fear they will be one of the last to switch to electric motors.
Nuclear fanboys are strange! The won’t let it go.
Nothing triggers me more than motorcyclists. We moved from a big city in Germany to the countryside a couple years ago and I totally underestimated the amount of noise you guys make. On every sunny weekend, fat people in their mid-fifties dressed like sausages rattle along the country roads and wave at each other in a cool manner. Saturdays are annoying, Sundays seriously unbearable. We can’t have a conversation in the garden, even deep in the forest you can hear the engines roar. They hang around on the benches, bus stops and at the petrol station, smoking and talking on their phones. Ambulances once or twice a day, rescue helicopters every other week. One time friends came to visit and greeted me with: “There was a motorcyclist lying on the crossroads”. At the start of the season, two motorcyclists collided on a bend close to my home and both died. Casual! It was pretty quiet while the paramedics failed to save both of the fathers lifes.
Riding a motorcycle is such an embarrassing, reckless and mean-spirited pastime, it drives me insane. If I sell this house again, it will be because of you. I pray for a ban on driving on Sundays and public holidays and noise controls. Buy a racing bike, seriously!
I ordered my horse out of the stable. The servant didn’t understand me. I went into the stable myself, saddled my horse and mounted it. I heard a trumpet blowing in the distance and asked him what it meant. He knew nothing and had heard nothing. He stopped me at the gate and asked: “Where is the Lord riding to?” “I don’t know,” I said, “just away from here, just away from here. Always away from here, that’s the only way I can reach my destination.” “So you know your destination,” he asked. “Yes,” I replied, “I told you: ‘Away from here’ - that’s my goal.”
Franz Kafka, 1920
Don’t get me wrong, I hate cars. But people are already dying from them, because humans make mistakes and drive reclesly. Don’t you think traffic with 100% self-driving cars would be safer because AI is more careful? New technology has got to start start somewhere. Feels a little “not in my backyard” to me. Yes cyclists are unsafe, but not because of Teslas self-driving EVs.
I don’t get it. There is a new technology, self-driving electric vehicles, it’s evolving and it’s not perfect (yet). You don’t have to buy this technology, you don’t have to engage in any way, just look at something else and let it mature. Yet I get headline after headline celebrating small failures. This is like an anti-fandom. Why?!
If they are not organic they put fertilizers on them which is basically salt that makes the cells swell with water but not nutrition nor taste.
Guy next door grows potatoes in a dozen old bathtubs. He is really old and hasn’t bought any supermarket-potatoes in centuries.
Sharing videos from NewPipe to Kodi worked pretty well. But I switched too, after years of tweaking & fiddeling and I now use just an old laptop with Mint and a controller. It’s not as pretty and controller-friendly, but much more stable and I don’t really need the movie collection features.
They are refering to the growth hormones in cows milk. Cows will grow from just a likkle calv to a 300kg (heavy!) animal in just 6 month. You need a lot of fat and hormones to accomplish that.
Well, the cow surely gives a fuck. She gets impregnated against her will with a fist up her ass, her baby is instantly taken away and killed after she gives birth and then her childs milk gets drained because that shit is for us, right? Repeat three to four years and kill her then, still a teenager, because she’s getting too weak from the abuse. If she could talk or fight back she’d never agree to all this.
Same here. I wouldn’t consider myself a gamer, but 30 minuten of mindless rippin and tearin every couple of days improves my quality of life significantly. :)
I agree!
Get Freedoom for free or the doom2.wad-file from somewhere, download GZDoom (flatpack), download Brutal Doom and start it with Doom Runner.
Damn, it sounds pretty complicated like this, watch a YouTube-tutorial maybe. It’s worth it.
Wild wild country is a Netflix docu-series and it really stuck with me, even after years.
I use phones that are at least 5 year old and cost 100€ max. Graphene supports only new pixel phones, so I never got to use it. I put LineageOS with MicroG on every phone and I’m super happy with it.