Dems are still out in the woods, looking for their spine. They lost it decades ago.
Dems are still out in the woods, looking for their spine. They lost it decades ago.
I am a Satanist. I swear no oaths, pledge no allegances, I neither bend the knee nor bow my head. The only thing I’m loyal to is the betterment of humanity as a whole.
It can be hard and fustrating at times. It’s a zombie game that pulls no punches.
Shoot a gun? Every zombie within half a mile heard that and are now converging on your location.
Hiding in a building? Zombies will break down doors, break in through windows, climb over and under obsticals, etc.
Got a scratch? Theres a chance its the zombie infection. Sympoms set in and you become a zombie
Even on the easiest settings possible, it’s still a challenge to go at it alone.
I didn’t quit the LDS church, I was unofficially excommunicated for being born intersex and having a puberty not consistent with my assigned gender.
I have both sets of genitals. Both are small, deformed, and non-functional. The bishop at the time told my parents to keep it a secret and to raise me as a boy. Then puberty came along and I physically filled in as female.
It scared the ward members, it scared the bishop (different bishop than before), ajd it scared me. I didn’t know what was happening, nor did anyone else in the church. From their POV, a boy just physically changed into a girl.
The common sense thing to do was to consult a qualified and competent doctor about this, yet no one in the church did that. Not even my parents. The bishop gave my parents an ultimatum. Choose between God or your child abomination.
They chose God and my parents disowned & kicked me out. The church quietly turned their backs on me. They all wanted me to just go away.
I’m older now, wiser, and in a far more stable life. I’m even an ordained Satanic minister now, and I am happy. Our congregation welcomes those who are cast out. Words and deeds are more important than your physical appearance or what’s in your pants.
Edit: And before any LDS members respond with attempts to get me to rejoin, don’t bother. I no longer believe in gods, afterlives, and magic. Plus I will never rejoin the religion that cast me out for the crime of existing.
I was playing Project Zomboid because my friends were playing. Turns out they were just waiting for a Star Citizen patch and abandoned PZ when the patch dropped.
I won’t play Star Citizen until they fix optimization issues. Right now it’s a buggy mess with 8 to 10fps.
Framing reddit argument screenshots you think you’ve “won?” I’ve definitely met those types on Reddit.
No, we would work together on tasks. I would walk to work while Other Me would take my car and get errands done. Or to change things up a little, Other Me could walk to work and I would run errands.
Hell, Other Me could play my online games and make progress while I’m at work. I’ve been meaning to level up my Black Mage in FFXIV, but life has kept me busy.
In the evenings, we would have to clearly explain to each other what we did that day and who we interacted with. Otherwise we risk diverging into two different people.
The point is whatever we choose for ourselves. Just because we eventually die doesn’t mean living isn’t worth it. I don’t care that one day I’ll eventually die, I enjoy living now.
Matt used to he a firebrand on the Atheist Experience. He’s moved on to The Line show and continues with call-ins.
His “meanness” has been refined and aimed strictly at bad faith actors who call in. People who are honest and straightforward don’t get yelled at.
Is it the sweetness that you’re addicted to? The fizz itself maybe? There are drinks that are sweet yet not fizzy, and there are drinks that are fizzy yet not sweet. If you can find out, you can begin to substitute less unhealthy options. Then eventually quit entirely.
Maybe instead of blaming Google, Reddit should stop pandering to Nazis and condoning zionists committing genocide.
Democrats are going to keep on losing for the next decade or so. The party is filled with out-of-touch geriatric fools who believe politics still function the same as in 1990.
I left Twitter sometime after Elon bought it. The content in my feed drastically changed and was filled with racism, Nazi glorifiction, and child prawn. Reporting these posts did nothing, the automated respone system kept claiming there was no violation. So I deleted my account and never came back. I also actively avoid clicking on Twitter post links.
I didn’t quit Reddit, but it quit me. Reddit perma-banned me for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza. An admin even called me a “disgusting Nazi simp” because I opposed the genocide. The amount of admin and mod gaslighting & abuse is at an all time high.
I don’t do the Meta stuff because of all the cross platform account linking. I still have a FB account, but it’s not my real name, it lacks personal info, and it’s only to stay connected with family and IRL friends.
I got banned from Tiktok preemptively and I never learned why. I didn’t even have an account, but when I went to make one on my work phone, it said I’m banned. Weird. I tried making an account using my home phone as a test and it worked, but I just deleted it afterward without posting anything.
There really needs to be a digital bill of rights or something.
Democratic House Leader Hakeem Jeffries quietly met with more than 150 Silicon Valley-based donors last week in California — an early step in Democrats’ efforts to repair relationships with a once-deep blue constituency.
JFK they’re so stupid. You cant repair relationships with deep blue constituents by pandering to the villains who are harming the very same constituents.
That’s like saying “Gee golly, our relations with the Jews is almost gone. We should cozy up with Nazis to repair our Jewish relations.”
Aaaaaaaaand he’s now rehired.
A power efficient e-ink laptop.
A laptop with a colossal battery life, I don’t care how chonky it is.
A smart watch that can do much more than the simple crap they do now. Larger is fine, maybe a smart bracer.
Multitools that are specifically designed for trades. It’s not tech, I would just love to have a multitool with specific tools for welding.
Some kind of wrist device where I can copy a file from one electronic device and paste it onto another device with hand gestures.
A Clockwork uConsole device that’s a bit more powerful and can use m.2. Those things are neat little kits, but they’re alway always always sold out of the good version. I wouldn’t mind a laptop in this format.
Bill Maher is a right wing hack who masquerades (poorly) as a democrat and liberal.
Doomsday prepping is the answer. Start building up a large supply of non-perishable foods, properly sealed for long term storage.
Have a wide variety of different food storage options. Having nothing to eat but rice will drive you insane (that’s not hyperbole, it’s serious).
Not just food storage, have tons of medical and hygeine priducts stored up as well. Things like toilet paper, toothpaste, wet wipes, ibuprophin, tums, etc. Assume there will be no stores or money in the future, plan acordingly.
Have all of your important documents in paper form. Keep all contact information, passwords, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and other important info on physical paper. There’s a strong possibility the internet will go down for a long period of time.
If possible, download Kiwik. Within the software, you can download all of wikipedia so that you have an accessable offline copy. It’s about 125gb in size.
Start downloading stuff you don’t want to lose. If you have a youtuve video ripper, start ripping videos on how to do things like repair your own car and other repair tutorials. Download videos and tutorials on how to cook if you don’t already know how. Also how to start and maintain a veggie garden.
Have a plan for the electric grid going down for a long period of time. Folding solar panels are a great way to keep phones and battery banks charged.
I could go on all day, but basucally you should prepare for a total government collapse. Internet, electricity, plumbing, trash removal, hospitals, police & fire rescue, depletion of groceries and store goods, etc. I have do doubt we’ll see these things either partially or completely collapse and fail.
I mean, you’re not wrong.