Pretty sure China isn’t the right place to go.
Pretty sure China isn’t the right place to go.
Yup, I got perma-banned for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza. The admin called me a “hateful Nazi fascist.”
I’m to the left of Bernie and I don’t support ethnic cleansing. Reddit is just falling in line with the AIPAC propaganda as they’re a powerful foreign lobbyist group in the US.
Do I need UV glasses?
No. Gloves are a good idea, probably a respiratory too and open air circulation like opening a few windows. But a face shield and UV glasses are overkill.
Just… don’t be sloppy and careless.
ordered soy based resin and a wash/cure station
I didn’t know “soy based resin” was a thing. The wash/cure station is definitely a winner. Highly recommended.
installed and found chitubox slicer isn’t great
Never used it before. I’m stuck using Anycubic’s proprietary slicing software which is ok’ish. It gets the job done and prints ok.
don’t understand plug drilling and hollowing
Yeah so this is a unique thing for resin printers to deal with, especially with larger prints. It is entirely possible to print an object and have liquid resin sealed up inside a hollow print. Curing can’t penetrative deep enough to cure the trapped resin inside. It becomes a “time bomb” for eventual breaks and leakage.
Some slicing software recognizes this issue and allows you to place a hole somewhere on the print to allow trapped resin to drain out.
But since you’re printing minis, it’s not really something you have to be concerned about. Minis are…well… mini and thus not hollow.
A bit of advice for a new resin user: No matter how well prepared you think you are to contain messes, spills, droplets, etc, you will make a mess. It’s inevitable so plan accordingly and keep tons of paper towers at the ready.
As to painting, I’m not quite there yet. I just print them, cure them, and play with them as is.
Right wing democrats are the worst.
Right now the US is basically a two-party system with both parties bribbed by the same health insurance companies. The will of the people demands change, yet both parties refuse to implement change.
Withholding your vote does nothing as it’s essentially a two-party system. Voting for one party or the other does nothing as they’re both paid off by the same health insurance companies.
In desperate times when the government no longer represents the people, people turn to vigilantism to solve ongoing problems, as we saw with the killing of the CEO.
It’s going to get a lot worse, there WILL be more killings.
Food for thought;
If you’re critically ill and need healthcare, yet your health insurance denies it, know that prisons are obligated to provide said healthcare.
It’s a choice between going to prison and living, or staying out of prison and dying.
Thus, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by paying a visit to one of these CEOs, then turning yourself in afterwards.
Guys remember; If you know the identity of the shooter, no you don’t.
I have a question. What do any of the people in this… meme? have to do with each other? Is this another Qanon delusion?
I’m a D&D player and DM. If Elon’s threats are to be believed, 2025 is likely to be the worst year for D&D.
I got perma-banned from Reddit for speaking against the genocide in Gaza. Reddit taking this down doesn’t surprise me at all.
If you know the identity of the shooter, no you don’t.
Who knew “Genocide is bad” would be such a controversial statement in 2024? Like, really?
Democrats don’t represent the people’s will. They just want our votes, and even then they’re not particularly enthusiastic about wanting our votes.
In the women’s locker room at the shipyard. Nobody ever goes in there, it’s clean, it’s never used, and I just got off a sixteen hour shift of welding. I was damn tired and couldn’t muster the strength to drive myself home.
I got about five hours of sleep which was enough rest to drive myself home and call out “sick” the next day.
GeE, i CaNt UnDeRsTaNd WhY dEmOcRaTs LoSt EvErYtHiNg. MuSt Be WoKeIsM aNd TrAnS pEoPlE eXiStInG.
Google is just going to stall and delay until Trump’s goons come in. Then, suddenly, the DOJ will have a change of heart.
Always remember that once you sign the dotted line, there’s no changing your mind later. That’s the advice I received in the Navy from my Chief. This is where doing your homework really pays off.
When buying a car, try to plan ahead ten to twenty years. Most people don’t buy a new car every couple of years, so you’ll need a car that suits your needs for a long time.
Are you planning on getting married and having kids one day? Maybe a minivan. Do you do a lot of trade work? Maybe a pickup truck. Are you just trying to get from point A to point B? Maybe just a regular four-seat car. Planning ahead will save you headaches in the future.
Get something that’s easy to repair yourself, the spare parts are cheap, and are easily obtainable. Some brands are extremely difficult to fix yourself and that’s by design.
As for car internet privacy, I don’t know what to tell you.
"Despite that consistent bipartisan support,”
Which democrat(s) voted in favor of this? They should be removed from the party immediately.
My uncle is banned from any and all family functions. He’s an angry conspiracy whackjob, the prototype to the modern MAGA chuds. He was delusional, he was violent, and he would push his insane conspiracies onto everyone without consent.
Nearly every family get-together that he attended, he turned it into chaos, violence, and rage. The final straw was when he hard slapped my 8 year old little brother across the face for playing some phone game.
That was about ten years ago.Occasionally he’ll call my dad (his brother) asking for money or if he can visit, but dad never forgave him for the slap.
Further proof that big businesses and social media companies are NOT your friend.