I don’t really get the floating bar myself. Doesn’t it take up more space and make it so you can’t slam the mouse to the bottom of the screen to click things on it?
I don’t really get the floating bar myself. Doesn’t it take up more space and make it so you can’t slam the mouse to the bottom of the screen to click things on it?
Peterson has said way more bullshit and its all on YouTube.
Rogan supposedly being neutral with everyone is problematic since it puts crazy people on equal footing with experts, and it causes confusion for people who may not know better. As an extreme example, being neutral means you should spend the time and effort to hear out a flat earther as much as an astronomer. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but not everyone is entitled to a platform to spew bullshit.
I make it a point to drive exactly at the speed limit in front of these assholes.
Anyone know how good Hori’s d-pad is?
This must have been an inspiration for Lisp
And lighter when they jump up on something without making a sound. Cats are made of Element Zero
That video!! Yeah, I don’t believe it either. Sort of reminds me of doing Kung Fu as a kid. We’d do public demonstrations and would sometimes ham it up a bit for the audience. I wonder if that’s what’s going on.
Have you practiced push hands? There’s a neat effect I can only describe as sort of being able to bounce off the other person. You can get some decent air with it! I also wonder if there’s a bit of that going on with a lot of exaggeration.
I agree with you about the “weird stuff”. I teach Tai Chi and I’m very careful about the words I use, especially when it comes to describing mechanical forces. I’ll often mention that I don’t mean some notion of “life force” but rather the physical Newtonian force that your body is subject to while performing the movements.
I find Tai Chi to be deceptively complicated with deep physical and psychological components. I have a hard time articulating what it is to others since it’s not really a martial art, and it’s not really meditation, and it’s not just a bunch of movements or calisthenics. But it does have very real effects and I love it!
It sounds like your experience is quite similar to mine and I’m happy you found a good teacher and are enjoying the practice! 😀
The software will likely work, but keep in mind that you’ll have to add VM startup time when you want to use the software. I have occasionally seen software behave strangely in a VM as well, so best to just try it.
Can you share the software you went to use? Maybe there’s a good Linux alternative or someone knows how to get it working in wine.
Is this the one using the open source kernel module?
He’s just not fully materialized yet.
I just don’t watch many shows and a lot of the stuff coming out I don’t find that great anyway so I’d rather do something else with my time than pay more for worse service.
That’s OK. I’ve already removed Netflix
Yup! I don’t have a PS5 but I’d have already bought it on Steam if it was out. Now since I have to wait anyway, I’ll probably just wait for it to go on sale since the hype is gone.
Because Bethesda isn’t being cut out of anything. You still need to buy the original game to use mods. And most mods are made using the official modding tools that Bethesda released (Creation Kit).
Looks like something from HP’s lab.
Don’t be biased except for these biases.
I’ll have to give it a try!