38 year old here checking in with “Butts” for his latest playthrough
38 year old here checking in with “Butts” for his latest playthrough
This is me. I have a wife and a young child. I want to fight but i have to protect my family first.
I like it. It’s a good reminder that i’ve been scrolling too long when i start seeing posts that are in the negative.
Back to 0 “Lemmy equivalent of Karma” score.
But now he’s in the negatives again.
You’re not wrong so i’ll bring you back up to 0
Meh. I’m a white cis man who voted for Harris. Fuck labels and preconceived notions of manliness.
You’re correct. But i also said Ignore and not “do nothing”. It’s possible to ignore the hate while still fighting for your rights.
As an American, fuck that guy.
What the fuck makes her a corporate stooge? She’s a prosecutor while the actual corporate stooge is trying to grift $100,000 watches.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you something cause it sounds like you might be in a bad place. Even with all of the political finger pointing surrounding your identity, you need to know something very important.
Your life matters. Your experiences matter. Your feelings matter.
You matter.
Ignore all the hatred and all the fear. Ignore the bigotry and close mindedness. Ignore it all and know that there are so many people out there that will love you and support you and accept you.
You are not alone.
I think we’re called Lemmings
Would I call the average American smart? No, but i wouldn’t call them dumb either. That’s because they’re average.
Would i say that the average American is well informed? Absolutely not.
Do i think it’s easier to convince millions of people, or the dozens of democratic leaders? I would like to assume that the democratic leadership would be easier to reason with.
But you’re suggesting that every democratic leader become immediately progressive, which would be amazing, is never going to happen. There’s such a stigma around “progressive” and “social” values that it would be political suicide and would only ignite the Republican base. It’s a guaranteed way of making sure we lose elections.
This path that you are calling easier isn’t easy. It’s risky. It has a high likelihood of failing, and failure means living in the handmaid’s tale. I have a family and i can’t take that risk.
The only way i see forward that is actually viable is a slow and steady march.
If I have to choose between 1) standing still, 2) running head first into fascism, or 3) jumping off a cliff without safety nets to reach a Utopian pripe dream, I’ll choose standing still.
But that’s the thing, we aren’t standing still. We are making progress. Yes it’s slow progress, but it’s fundamental progress. Every Demcratic president has spent their entire presidency undoing the damage of the last Republican president. This means we need to keep voting and not get complacent. Get the democrats into control and then push them further left.
Look man. I want a progress country. I want free healthcare. I want free tuition colleges. I want free lunches in school. I want paid family leave.
I want the same utopia you do. The only difference between us is that while you see the promise land, I see the ground work that needs to happen to reach it.
Just because our heads are down doesn’t mean we’ve lost sight of the goal. Our heads are down because we’re fighting tooth and nail against a torrent that wants to drag us backwards. We are clawing our way out of this nightmare.
I’ll still take baby steps over a leap going in the wrong direction any day.
The article claims that the game over tutorializes the game. I don’t know if that’s true since i haven’t played the game. However, i have uninstalled games purely because of how annoying their tutorials are.
Yeah no I hate that song.
Seriously, why are we still using Twitter?
You had me in the first half, I’m not going to lie.
I was living abroad at the time. I was young and cocky. I made jokes about card games having to change the term trump to clinton cause she’s going to beat him easily. I was wrong.
Then it got scary.
Now I live in NC and I can’t wait to vote blue.
Brilliant! We need to spread this message so us Pineapple Pizza lovers wont be so hated.