Screen should be on chair to avoid neckpain. Sit on the floor
Screen should be on chair to avoid neckpain. Sit on the floor
Instant promotion to the top. Cant kill your co if you are the co
I only want to kill innocent people
Actually stone is used by the brits instead of americans
Well its day 0 now since you technically used them in this meme even if it was only the words
You are not doing anything wrong. Bars are overpriced
I bet its Lisa thats tearing them apart
I agree. Freedom of speech means allowing words even if yoh dont like them and discussion is important in general it is a way for us to grow
Nah its just killing you. Electrocution means you die. If the chair shocked you thats bdsm-y
Good news you have another 14 years guaranteed. Bad news it wont get better during that time
You think he might be pinkie pie.
Its from a youtube poop incase you are curious. It was called gravity faaf no idea if it still exists
Yeah for a lot of files you probably would sort by year in the end
I want a pickup truck because they are very aestetichally pleasing to me
Are they moon bears or saturn bears?
Mother tell the children not to check the temps. Tell the children not to read my books what they mean what they say.
Sorry i read Danzig so I though of the band
Truly a hero. After all daughters should always crave to be raped to death by angry gay men. Shame it was the maid instead
Byt what if it wasnt. Hey vsauce michael here. What is killing and how can it be legal?
If she is my soulmate that would not happen
What I do when im trying to learn a language is caveman it. Me hungry eat food. As long as im understood it works then over time that sentence will evolve to I am feeling hungry I would like to eat some food