As long as that sophistication is geared towards reaching capitalist targets, all it does is enable them to ruin the land through “tragedies of the commons” faster.
Whether that’s desertification because you’re pumping up more groundwater than rain can replenish, nitrates continuing to exist after they leave your land, pesticides giving your customers cancer, insecticides causing a collapse of pollinator populations you rely on for crop yields, crop pandemics due to a lack of genetic diversity, or something else, modern capitalist farmers have a lot of fancy tools for destroying the planet and leaving society vulnerable to starvation.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but this kind of sounds like a technofascist trial balloon to push for the privatization of the US military. The implication being
Project 2025 was not written by Trump even if he is the executor/scapegoat. Smart people exist and work for the politicians, shareholders and lobbyists that shape current US policy. And trial balloons don’t need to be cleverly worked out, in the era of Trump you can just throw stuff at the wall, see what sticks, and pay private media to not make a story out of the rest. There’s a good chance this will come to nothing, but why wouldn’t a petty technocrat try to ingratiate himself to the new technofascist regime by offering a win-win.