That’s some excellent and skillfully-composed protest art right there.
That’s some excellent and skillfully-composed protest art right there.
TIL. Ew. Thanks, I hate it.
I guess that’s part of the definition of Open Source, though. “No discrimination against fields of endeavor.”
It’s gotta be uncomfortable being a journalist on Truth Social who only has an account there specifically so they can capture screenshots of Trump’s latest dogwhistle post to publish in articles.
And doesn’t Truth Social require users to upload photos of their drivers licenses in order to sign up? Or am I thinking of Parler?
If you’re looking for recommendations, everything by Missie Elliot is worth listening to.
She might be mainstream/well-known enough that it kindof “goes without saying”, but just in case you’re not familiar with her.
Originally posted here, quoted below for convenience:
Real story.
I was in my late teens. My parents were dragging me to a tiny, kinda culty church every fuckin’ weekend. Didn’t really have much choice. (Hell, I hadn’t even told anyone yet that I thought Christianity was 100% bullshit.)
I had a reputation for knowing my stuff about computers. (Because normies – particularly boomer normies like Pastor Dipshit – don’t know the difference between programmers and PC support.)
So, one Sunday after the service, Pastor Dipshit asks me to look at his computer. His Outlook was giving an error dialog. Something about not being able to find an email on disk. Clicking the “ok” button just resulted immediately in another dialog, and while the error dialog was present you couldn’t interact with the main window, so this rendered Outlook unusable.
Turns out he’d gone and deleted a bunch of files from the filesystem. Like by navigating from “My Computer” down to the directory where Outlook stored its files. Rather than deleting emails through the Outlook GUI the way one is meant to.
So, I mused “hmm, I wonder if it’s just giving one error message per email that was affected.” I could see in the window behind the error dialog that the total count of emails in his inbox was only a couple hundred or something.
So I commenced to clicking as rapidly as I could. Probably about a minute of clicking later, no more error dialogs and Outlook was usable again.
And everyone marveled at my “genius.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t learn his lesson and continued to delete random files from the filesystem, but he kindof lost what was left of his connection to consensus reality and scared even my culty family away and we quit attending that church not terribly long after that, so I couldn’t say for sure.
Original prose is a marvelous spectacle.
But AI? I dunno. I remain skeptical.
(The above is not written by an AI. I promise. ;) )
What would the “bot that finds bots larping as people” do exactly? Ban them? Block or mute them? File reports? DM an admin about them?
If it’s just for pointing out suspected LLM-generated material, I think humans would be better at that than bots would be, and could block, mute, or file reports as necessary.
Also, are you saying you intend to make a bot that posts LLM-generated drivel or a bot that detects LLM-generated drivel?
LLMs, image generators like Stable Diffusion etc, and other of what’s come lately to be called “generative AI” should have no place on the Fediverse or anywhere else.
Moshi moshi. Maikurowebu-san desu.
That escalated quickly.
Yeah, more like “cringe deez nuts.”
Reverse-engineer it and build an unlimited-use portal gun, of course!
It’s almost as if the “aRtIfiCiAl iNtElLiGenCe” is as big a cult as blockchain is, isn’t it?
I was always one of the youngest in my class. My birthday is very late in the year. I also graduated high school a year early and entered college while I was still technically 16. I got the occasional joke/comment about not being able to drink until I was a senior in college.
Yeah, that’s fucked. With some serious reverse engineering and reimplementing, it sounds like it could be a pretty great product, but even if something like a FOSS implementation of the protocol StarVision uses or something like Valetudo but for the Vega existed, I wouldn’t feel right about patronizing a company that does that kind of shit.
Seriously, if people have that much investment in my enjoyment of anything, that will ruin any chance I might have otherwise had of enjoying it.
I had an experience like that with the anime Berserk. Had my coworker not been so desperate for me to like it, I probably would have.
No, robot, the xenomorph is not the “perfect organism.” That’s a bad robot. Now let me inject more milk into your tubes here. I think I’ll call you “Ash”.
My conception of the Open Source movement is that it was basically forked off of the Free Software Movement by a bunch of Libertarians (as in United States Libertarian Party with a capital “L”, not anarchism). (Eric Raymond has never been shy about going on about how the free market is the solution to every problem anyone has ever had. And Bruce Parens is the one who has been doing the whole “Post-Open Source” thing that has a bunch of rules about adding more capitalism to Open Source.)
And on that basis, it feels to me like the Open Source movement isn’t really the most likely to sympathize with anti-fascist sentiments.
The FSF, doesn’t strike me as that much more likely to care.
But, maybe Bradley Kuhn and the SFC (and FSFE) might be more inclined to be on board with that idea?
The result couldn’t really be called “Open Source” or “Free Software” (or “F(L)OSS”.) And I kindof doubt any of the organizations involved with the two movements would stick their necks out so far as to certify a license that was like “AGPLv3, except Nazis can fuck off”.
So, maybe a new term is needed. I propose “Hate-Free Software”. As a purposeful play on “Free Software” that makes it pretty clear it’s “Free Software” except for Nazis.
All that said, to make any of this work, there’d have to be a license that did the necessary magic legalese to convince courts to enforce it in the way that’s going to accomplish the goals of the whole movement.
I think I vaguely remember hearing about some almost-FOSS project out there somewhere that used some GPL-based license except with an added restriction that said “except this specific company gets nothing”. IIRC, that provision was legally dicey as to whether it could/would actually be enforced. But I guess that approach might be a place to start researching at least.
However the legalese worked, you know the Nazis would push its boundaries. Like, if the license specifically said “except hate groups”, the Nazis would use the courts to push the agenda that anti-genocide activists are antisemitic.
Theoretically one could make it a non-open license in the sense that the copyright owners individually hand-pick who gets to have the permissive license terms and who can fuck right off, but I probably wouldn’t want to go to the trouble to seek a license to use any software like that for fear they’d yoink my license rights away without notice.
I guess what I’m getting at is that I don’t necessarily disagree with the concept, but the execution isn’t going to be easy.