I think it’s important that not only are charges dropped, but she should get some push back or fine for wrongfully charges ( I’m assuming it is illegal to claim someone assaulted you when it’s obvious they did not - and I’m not a lawyer or American, so I’m sure there’s a better name for it…)
*Edited a word from autocorrect
A lot og questions can be answered diplomatically and show that you are able to handle yourself:
Q: do you like the colour red?
A1: I hate red
A2: I don’t like red
A3: Not my favourite colour
A4: I prefer blue
In this entirely made up and pointless exercise you hate red and are asked if you like it. Real world applications converging on zero.
On a scale of lie to truth, where are you comfortable with representing your thoughts of red in an interview?
And remember, only Sith deals in absolutes🙃
*Edited layout