It’s not FOSS as it’s a modded version of Google Camera which is not open source.
It’s not FOSS as it’s a modded version of Google Camera which is not open source.
There is GCam photos preview on Izzyondroid (or Calyx) f-droid repo that is supposed to allow you to preview photos using the little photo thumb while using stock GCam.
I’m a photographer and don’t find the stock GOS camera to be good enough. I use BigKaka’s GCAM mod which is Google’s camera with even more features. It doesn’t require internet access and everything works in version 9.2 on my Pixel 8. It doesn’t require google photos like the stock GCam.
Exactly. Which would make this theoretical POS even more consumer unfriendly then OP’s 2%, 4%, and 6% choices.
More people might be inclined to tell the cashier to remove the tip when it’s higher, but if it only shows percentages then people might be inclined to just hit the smallest one instead of doing the math to figure out how much they’re tipping.
Those tips are too small. It should be set at 18%, 20%, and 25% with no option for tipping less.
But then you don’t get to eat the pickles
I had one but deleted it when they stopped allowing third party clients (probably 10 or so years ago). Maybe I can have the second dose?
Ones from 1982 and earlier are much more valuable when melted down.
Second posteo. It’s simple and supports imap, caldav, carddav.
If you’re in the US and on a carrier that supports stir/shaken and voLTE, Carrion can block (or silence) calls that fail verification. It can also block calls from a block list.
Earlier this year I had a connection in Doha, Qatar on my way to the US. I had to go through security twice even though it was a connection from another international flight (first was after getting off the first flight and the second was right before getting on second flight). Both times they took away all liquids, even those bought in the airport.
Do they test everyone’s shoes or do you just have to be extremely unlucky?
There’s a place near me called Just Salad that has several posters on the windows stating the sell more than salads.
Book ads are at least usually at the end of the book and for other books you might want to read. And they’re static. If internet ads were like book ads I wouldn’t have to block them.
I wish more creators were on nebula. I would like to support them on patron but $5+ a month per channel adds up really quickly.
My cousin couldn’t understand how I bought groceries after I sold my car. After telling him I walked three blocks to the store he asked how I bought groceries in winter. I told him I put on a coat and boots and walk three blocks to the store.
I love the ingenious solutions for ancient under floor heating.
No modern grains: find the original wild versions of wheat, corn, and rice and only process and eat those.
Did they not know that word can generate very convoluted HTML for them?
I’m a male Bonobo, please keep me in line.