Did they spell “celebrate” incorrectly.
Did they spell “celebrate” incorrectly.
I saw this and deleted my google apps and started the steps to move delete my Gmail account too. Privacy and sanity are king
But Biden is sooooo bad!! Biden Biden Biden Don’t vote for the democrats
If you self host, where do the comments you make on other post get stored.
I wish that were true
Does that mean China will buy everything and only hire foreign workers.
Ya If Canada was granted multiple states. Otherwise we would be the northern Puerto Rico with no votes
And probably lose Alberta for a few years. It would be like brexit- let us back in please
Ummm you’re arguing with a bit/troll. Why waste your time effort.
So then VP Vance becomes President Vance Thanks
The whole war is collateral damage. War is collateral damage.
My mom did it and paid for a free test for me too. Had them send it to my address. So even though I didn’t use the test I’m in their system, name and all.
Clinton had the PLO (Arafat) and Israel in Washington to sign a peace deal. Arafat walked away. Peace was only talk.
Don’t worry. With a divided vote trump will take care of everything.
Stien never had any chance but the one she’s intended for. Divide the vote and help the people funding her- republicans.
Edit. I’ll add this here. Just saw this on another post
Or “Looters” Or “Lawyers” Or “Losers” Or maybe it really is “L’Otters”. Those radical left rascals causing mayhem and dissection in the workers.
Who are they
Idiot doesn’t follow much history