Is this some sort of american meme that I am too rich to understand?
Ask me about my Nobara System [ Shintel i7 4770HQ, Novideo 950m, 16GB DDR3-SDRAM ]
I also use mastodon, to review pictures of peoples buttholes
Is this some sort of american meme that I am too rich to understand?
For real? Then I believe these people from OPs screenshot really are paid government clowns.
I wonder what happens if I mention 天安门广场 in the comment section or the independent Republic of China or Uyghur treatment.
What do you mean? I nibbled on a girls fuel hose just yesterday
I knew things were rigged, when I saw the legally binding german rating board USK give it a 12+. This usually never happens, that PEGI gives a game a higher rating than the USK
Ok, just tell me how much I need to pay for all of that
Bro out here doing the Lords work 🙏
appearance of happiness
I see now. That is holding me back by a lot.
thought Trump was a big enough cudgel to bully people into voting even though that demonstrably doesn’t work.
What kinda ass country is this?
Bitte nicht nochmal
Ok, let me just quickly seduce my pet venomous snake
Use the outlets of the neighbouring house for a secound flashlight for every solar charger. That guarantees an efficiency boost of up to 50%.
What am I seeing? Asking for the visitor in my walls.
Yeah, f**k censorship
Oh no, she is off her meds again. Fast, I need to call FitGirl
IGG-Games is uploading csrinru cracked games on their own website. In the past they have distributed malware on this way.
The admin is not based and a fucking mf
Oh damn, what a sick alternate timeline. Too bad I am not able to see this for myself