We continue to allow shitbirds to shit on us. These guys rule the world and instead of turning them into candles we continue to let them darken our world.
We continue to allow shitbirds to shit on us. These guys rule the world and instead of turning them into candles we continue to let them darken our world.
As a fellow Kentuckian, I agree with this sentiment. A white Republican probably would have won. I don’t think abortion mattered like the news thinks it did.
I do think Democrats are grooming Rocky Adkins to run after Beshear. If Beshear does a good job, Adkins can win as a Democrat. He can pull Eastern Kentucky on his name, plus the cities. So Democrats might keep the governorship for a while and that might help break the gridlock in the state. Just my two cents.
Democracy only dies if we let it. If it comes down to it, we may have no choice, but to fight the nazis or join their ranks. I’ve made my peace, I have a plan in place. I truly hope we don’t see him re-elected, but we have to be ready if he is.
There is no such thing as “liberal” media. All media is owned by corporation that is piloted by a billionaire. Who’s ideas do you think they match up to? That’s right, Conservatives. Because billionaires can get anything they want, laws are to keep us poors in check. Our whole system is run by oligarchs and we are all fighting “the media” instead of fighting those pricks.
I’m really dumb. Can you expand on vertical integration and how it corrupts? I’m not sure what it is or why it’s bad.
Here’s a piece of art by Balthus. It’s of a young girl in a skirt, leg hiked up and you can see her underpants: https://www.wikiart.org/en/balthus/thérèse-dreaming-1938
This piece controversial, but evocative, thought-provoking and says something about an innocent time in our youth and the change of demeanor sexuality brings when we become aware.
People may not like this, but if you can separate sexuality and understand that we were once “innocent” - meaning sex wasn’t something we knew about, we just had these bodies we were told to hide in clothes, the painting takes on a whole new meaning.
I’m not advocating for fake cheese pizza photos, fuck those sickos, but art can appear to be one thing on first glance and then take on a new meaning as we study and understand more.
Producing food is fucking hard work. I have a family farm where I raise my own beef and vegetables. It’s not easy. I grew up hating it because while I was working the garden, the tobacco and feeding cattle, my friends were doing fuck all.
The human race is so disconnected from their food supply it’s disgusting. People have no clue if someone took a dump beside their lettuce in the field or not. (This is how a lot of those vegetables get diseases when they do recalls.)
But, humans are lazy and want things easy. I wish everyone had to grow their own food for five years to see how difficult it is to feed your face, but it’s never gonna happen. People want the benefit of farming without doing any of the work.
I was gonna raise beef and sell it, but I’d rather just feed my family. Despite growing up hating farming, I have a better appreciation for my food and we need that shit everyday.
I really hate that we keep thinking the media is “on our side.” The Media is all controlled by billion dollar interests. They run interference to keep the 99% fighting themselves and not the actual threat - the billion dollar interests that control the media and their colleagues. The media is just another tool in class warfare.