You’re doing what you feel is right.
They’re aiming for number go up (as per usual)
Y’all are not the same
What the actual hell??? Last week, I had clients across from Naples to Bradenton, so i woke up at 4am and started doing jobs. Made it up to Bradenton at 10am and the last client wanted to wait til 2pm to do the job
As a result i chilled, enjoyed a nice lunch, checked out the boardwalk, and after 1.5 hrs of enjoying the place, I entered my car exhausted, set an alarm to 1:30pm, and fell asleep.
You’re telling me that THIS NAP I TOOK WOULD BE ILLEGAL?!?!?!
… They’d progress that way regardless so…
But it actually isn’t, because the largest driver of growth for platforms like facebook & instagram is the already present userbase.
That userbase will always be there if the programs are all federated together, so creating a new platform is now just making a better site versus that and bringing in the userbase.
Harder, but in this with mutliple generations of people being trained to question every link and image on screen? Not necessarily impossible.
People will report this for sure if they feel confident.
There will definitely be false flags though
A biochemist commanding a dungeon could actually be fire though, dude would have so many resources on his side to work with plus generic mutations and enhancements for monsters right?
One of those moments the rest of the old continent would stop, look at the USA, & exclaim in unison: “Idiots”.
Much of the old world has gone that have existed for centuries and people live in them today.
What horrified you is basically part for the course for them.
They’re completely manual. There’s a manual door latch literally right below the button you’d press inside to open it.
Pull that up & the door unlatches to open.
They’re literally designed in for emergencies.
It’s the same in the model 3, Y, & S.
For personal context, this is one of my favorite stories period, and season 1 of the anime is a guilty pleasure of mine.
Just read the manga for this one.
This episode feels like a poor summary of the manga and should’ve been 2 episodes: 1 for lime latte’s resolution, and the second one for mr trans on a whim. Yes, the amount of detail cut out if you know the manga (much less the LN im guessing) is THAT MUCH.
Fucking hell… Makes sense though, they earned 30k a year, 200k ain’t enough to challenge the bankroll potential of Nintendo.
this is beyond awful, especially to us with broken switches who want to play the games we own in these times, and everyone who can’t/ won’t afford their shit.
This is the bullshit that deserves shouting and death threats, not people making a subpar decision for a game or a bad one.
Arcologies or greenhouse super domes for food production of any kind wherever it’s desired
Or carbon nanotube mass production so we can build mile-high connected super structures
Void user here, i think more accurately Void would be a former crush who flirted with systemd but systemd couldn’t fit their needs. Now she looks at him today like “nope, i don’t want any of that in my life no more 😊”
I wasn’t taking any chances on having a feed filled with “you’re evil, Palestine labor X Z P etc”. I just don’t want any part of those debates.
if you look about, this has been spammed out like 1000 times to the lemmy main feed by accounts made in the last week or 2 like it’s some disinformation campaign.
I pirated the game but i bought it on release day at midnight, got the wood placard they gave out with the shrikah icon & everything
Playing it on my deck is much better than switch, lag nonwithstanding
Do you prefer Trump?
“That’s not the point!!! The mode-”
So you’d prefer Trump.
“Listen, Joe is commiting geno-”
Trump literally bankrolled anything Netanyahu wanted while in power. Remember the map they made together for a free Palestine in 2016?
“Well he-” so would anything of your progressive agenda do better under Trump?
“We need a revolu-” yeah, it’s happening. The USA is slowly becoming an xenophobic anarcho-capitalist religious theocracy for the old & rich. Accelerates greatly when Trump holds power.
“I just won’t vote either!!!”
Ok. Go ahead. Just don’t complain later when Israel has a $150 billion dollar defense bill coming its way versus 15 billion. You likely will regardless though.
Also unions are being nailed to the cross for all to see 🤷🏿♂️. They are trialing it in Florida rn, his role model state.
Cant wait to see this as Federal policy right? They’ll try.
Your call though. Im saving up all I can so my friends & I can be safe when shit falls off the cliff.
“You literally didn’t respond to a single point I made!!!”
Keep crying troll.
It was an apple as well. As well as the school board i was assisting and my company too.
The only difference i could think of is that i never turn off this device, like ever (my personal phone is android)
Dont you think that answer is far to clear cut? How about if it’s abstatement heard from a supposed friend’s doctor and you dont want to get a hold of your family doctor for as inane of a question as it is?