You think that after 99% of the US population decided to stop supporting climate change by not buying meat from billionaires, those 99% would still allow them to continue? Not for their own taste and convenience but for some billionaires profits?
You think that after 99% of the US population decided to stop supporting climate change by not buying meat from billionaires, those 99% would still allow them to continue? Not for their own taste and convenience but for some billionaires profits?
They would sell $165 billion worth of meat, 22% of all meat products consumed in the US to a handful of billionaires and the US government? Ignoring the international business.
Billionaires would never touch that meat.
Take a look at the Cargill family, 14 billionaires. From the wiki about the current CEO:
In 2019, former U.S. Congressman Henry A. Waxman, in a report by Mighty Earth, called Cargill “the worst company in the world” and noted that it drives “the most important problems facing our world” (deforestation, pollution, climate change, exploitation) “at a scale that dwarfs their closest competitors.”
Do you think that is because they use every cent to burn coal and oil in their backyard, or
do you think it is because they produce and sell products to consumers which can not be produced without harm to the environment?
99% of the planet could produce zero pollution for the rest of our lives and it wouldn’t even make a dent in the amount of pollution created by the billionaire class.
How do you think they would create that damage to the environment if nobody would buy their products?
Labrador meat is premium, it really has to be heaven
Fuck plants, all my homies hate plants!
Finally the phone for everyone who claims the fairphone is not sustainable anymore because they removed the headphone jack.
What firefox version? It could be that you are using xwayland depending on your or your distros settings. Maybe try setting
why installing something
I don’t watch YT a lot on my phone, but Freetube for desktop and Newpipe for android (F-Droid) support offline subscriptions, playlists, history and downloads of video or audio, background playback and you can sync both apps.
According to the manpage --Yay --clean
is the thought behind it, its a Yay specific shortcut for pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qqdt)
emove recurs
ive what the Q
uery q
uiet (short names) on the d
atabase lists as unrequired t
Now -Yc
does not sound that bad.
It is still good to learn the verbose commands for pacman/paru/yay from the manpages, once you are familiar with them its easy to build more advanced commands for special use-cases.
multiple people warned them not to use arch.
My IT Bros said the same back when I had to choose W10 or Linux, they haven’t used arch and I had 0 Linux experience. I messed up every single step of the installation to a point where I knew from the problems I created what I did wrong. After many tries and a week later I had a working installation with dual boot. Never used windows and removed it a year later. It was rough but I learned how to recover from most errors a user can create.
If learning is the goal arch and arch-wiki is great.
SwayWM, but I think any of those you mentioned should be able to do it?
You know about Ag-Gag laws? They lobby with your money for such laws if you consume animal products.
I guess you are a speciesist to get so but hurt about a comparison, you know there is a difference to equation and comparing? How is it tone deaf in a thread about those who fight for those with no voice to say that it is a just cause, just like that I compared it to? Stop supporting animal abuse while acting upset about the logical comparison.
Just like those criminals who knew it is against the law to sit in the front of the bus, or those who used whites only bathrooms? They did not fight for freedom but break the law?
the wording was a bit of, it should spell “carcasses raised with their own shit”
A section of the A24 was limited to 130 kmph for 20 years to reduce accidents. Because the reduction the speed limit was lifted early this year. Now there are 8% more accidents with injury and 42% more injured. Politicians call now to make it possible to limit the section again.
I am not deep enough in it, but from the arch-announce mailinglist:
$(command -v sshd)