I actually still own the TV and researched the issue off and on for years. It’s just a design flaw and why they were offered during that Black Friday sale. I’ve gone through every menu and upgraded the fw; it’s just the way it is 🤷♀️
I actually still own the TV and researched the issue off and on for years. It’s just a design flaw and why they were offered during that Black Friday sale. I’ve gone through every menu and upgraded the fw; it’s just the way it is 🤷♀️
For the most random reason, Borderline Forever. For the longest time, I only watched YouTube on my TV- it was one of my end of night routines, and I had a few channels that I always kept up to date with. Now, I have to note that the TV I owned, for many years, was a super cheap 50" TV I bought from Walmart during Black Friday . It wasn’t great, but it was the first TV I bought myself when I started living on my own. One of the quirks of that TV was that the bezel actually extended over the screen and covered some of it. It wasn’t ever really an issue, but every now and again, I’d be aware of it. So, you can imagine my absolute surprise to learn that the blue border which was on all his thumbnails was actually part of his videos as well- a whole episode to highlight something I had been completely unaware of for hundreds of episodes. I honestly don’t remember much of the episode, but it was a big reason I ended up buying a new TV 🤭
It’s so hard to explain this to people too 😭 my entire existence just freezes until whatever is scheduled is finished. And then those times when people cancel last minute and the entire day was like this…
I know you’ve said that you’ve asked her, and she’s stated she’s fine, but I think it matters how you ask. Sit down with her, mention the behaviors you’ve observed, explain how these things make you feel (I assume you’re worried about a friend), and just let her know you’re there for her if she ever wants to talk. Try not to make it too much about yourself, but be honest with your emotions… and try not to offer fixes for anything unless she asks. Myself and a lot of other women aren’t always open with men, even friends, because it can be exhausting dealing with their problem solver personalities; we normally know how to fix things already, but doesn’t mean they don’t weigh on our minds.
I was wondering this as well and have been incredibly surprised how different the landscape is from my assumptions. Their algorithm very quickly understood my identity and preferences and started mixing in a good amount of wlw content with just an overflow of positive comments and engagement. I was also super happy to see creators that I enjoy being welcomed and praised on the platform - creators which 100% of the time have people leave the most unkind comments on their posts. There’s one in particular, a man who showcases and slays in his dresses, which I’ve yet to see one negative comment towards. Time will tell how long things stay this way!
Soo it’s nowhere near the same- but in FFXIV I once spent weeks after an expansion crafting/gathering to make money to buy a large housing plot. By the end of it I had around ~600million (an absurd amount). Unfortunately my luck just wasn’t here and I lost every lottery I entered. Now- I probably have like 5 million. Where did it all go? To other players. I’d just buy people things. Someone in chat said they really wanted this or that- I’d buy it. People wanted a small/medium plot and didn’t have the money? I’d give them the gil. I found literally no reason to have so much gil just for the sake of having it, and I love seeing people get excited. I’d put together little welcome packages with expensive mounts, minions, clothes, etc and gift them to new players. I kind of started doing this in real life to, just to a lesser degree as a stranger handing you a gift can be a bit weird. I’d like to imagine, with infinite wealth, I’d do the same thing to a larger scale- really find ways to improve and bring joy to the lives of others. I’d obviously spoil myself with things, but I imagine I’d spend most of it on other people.
You’re remembering right (or we’re both remembering wrong 🤭)! The final after credits scene implied that the two main characters were reincarnated, and as they were passing each other in a crowd on the street, something compelled the MC to reach out and stop Angel, reuniting them in their new lives 🩷 I think it was unclear if he fully remembered everything that happened, but it was the bittersweet, made me cry even harder, scene that we needed 😭
It pretty much takes place in a limbo/purgatory. Children who die without finding peace or have unresolved emotions end up there. The story slowly reveals this and explores each characters’ reasons for ending up there - often confronting their death and untangling the things which kept them from moving on. Time itself is kind of nebulous there; two of the main characters, one who starts as a sort of antagonist and the protagonist, are kind of tied together by fate with the protag being a heart donor to the antagonist. The protagonist died before and his heart was given to her, but somehow she ended up there before him even though she lived a full life (if I’m remembering right) l. It’s honestly a super beautiful story, and I think one of my favorite parts is the ending song/mv which plays at the end up each episode- it features every character, and as they move on during the series their spot in the ED is just blank with the final episode ending without any of them.
Your Lie in April and Angel Beats! both crushed me 😭
It could be that Gemini was unsettled by the user’s research about elder abuse, or simply tired of doing its homework.
That’s… not how these work. Even if they were capable of feeling unsettled, that’s kind of a huge leap from a true or false question.
I think these types of games would be a great place to start; maybe even something like Inscryption since it shows how deep games can be even when they appear to start off fairly simple.
You’ll find that in queer culture, there’s not just top/bottom but a wide spectrum to define or describe preferences; I’m sure this all also applies to the BDSM world as well. There’s a variety of tops and bottoms and preferences like Bambi lesbians who don’t want sexual dynamics beyond cuddling and kissing.
Same… It’s like 20 minutes of focus and then I need a nap 🤷♀️ When I was younger, I’d just inhale energy drinks, but the crashes just kept coming faster and faster.
I LOVE music anime, especially the ones you listed off. It would feel so off not having the accompanying music with their stories.
Unfortunately this is some of the best advice. I think different people are more susceptible to existential anxiety - or moreso anxiety over things that will never be able to change or control. Some people can channel that emotion into advocacy, volunteer work, etc while others mentally drown in thought loops. As rude as it sounds, sometimes it really is a ‘touch grass’ type of thing. You HAVE to watch out for your own mental health and oftentimes that means disconnecting from triggers and focusing on your own life and interests. Play a game, watch something, read a book, go to the zoo, meet up with friends - live in the moment and outside your head. I also recommend using the internet purposefully and not just to kill time - use social media for discovery and research of specific topics and not for just general consumption.
Rituals and setting myself up to enjoy the morning- super yummy overnight oats, skincare routine, pour over coffee or a visit to my favorite coffee shop, watching my favorite GTA RP streamer… After all that, my brain has released the entirety of its dopamine for the day, and I crawl back into bed until lunch/dinner 🥹
The thing I want natively is a built-in way to control volume per tab- not just mute, not through a plugin… Just a simple volume slider that works.
They must have changed it! There was the option for a monthly subscription as well as a lifetime purchase.
Sooo excited for this!! Super enjoyed each season. I’m not really into power level or fighting/combat anime, but the series balanced mystery, drama, and SoL so well to me that it became a favorite.