You’ll never recover for this
You’ll never recover for this
So ironically I’ve used a rubber band similar to what you describe to break free and remove screws on several occasions. It’s not fool proof but worth a shot to avoid drilling and tapping.
Wait, was ‘Ye Olde …’ really still pronounced ‘The old’? Holy crap, why did nobody ever correct how stupid I am. I thought people just said things funny back then. Sigh
Deer doesn’t grow on farms
That’s how my silenced .22 behaves with subsonic. LRs refeed fine.
I just realized I’m stupid, thank you
Why did they name the left and right atrium backwards? That seems unnecessarily confusing.
Traveled into the future until I could find the answer online and then went back in time to work on my project.
I had tingly sensors going off but I naively assumed that fiasco would have been a death knell for him. This timeline sucks
Why doesn’t this have sprint?
With free spinning hubs though!
I’m glad you mentioned this, I just signed up for a year of print
I just watched it and it’s showing me 13 views
Wow. The phone app is awesome. I’m shocked this guy releases it for free.
That game is pretty cool, thank you for sharing. Will go well when I want a break from crosswords.
Doesn’t feminism basically boil down to “everyone should be equal”?
I think I agree with most everything RBG has said for example. Women should be anywhere decisions are made, etc. I struggle with her statement that it will only be enough when all the justices are women. I don’t think men should be excluded. I understand folks that are fine with the pendulum swinging that far, men have controlled women for as much of history as I have learned about. I would think a diverse representative body of justices that include men, women, along with disadvantaged groups (be it sexual orientation, gender, race, etc) would be the goal. I’m not smart like her, and she’s certainly more informed than I am on the topic, so I figure I don’t understand because everything else from her seems intuitively obvious and easy to follow for me.
If that was my life circumstances and it was allowed I would push the buttons to cast her vote in whatever way she wanted even if it differed from how I was going to vote in my ballot. Pushing her aside isn’t a good look but maybe she told him ahead of time. I have my ballot printed and everything highlighted after researching local issues and candidates so I can just go in and vote without having to try interpreting everything on the spot at the booth. I guess I would like to naively believe that a husband and care taker would respect his spouse enough to honor her wishes at the booth. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if that wasn’t true though.
Will it handle seven pixels?