The modern day “do your own research means find whatever supports your confirmation bias”. However, I feel like there’s a lot of discouragement against a healthy skepticism as well, which is… not healthy either.
The modern day “do your own research means find whatever supports your confirmation bias”. However, I feel like there’s a lot of discouragement against a healthy skepticism as well, which is… not healthy either.
Has it been more than one month since it’s been out?
I’m going to put together a SteamOS system for my daughter with an old 3900X and RX480 so we can play side by side!
The discussion shouldn’t be about what phone has subpar MMS support, it should be about why we’re still using MMS/SMS in the first place. Google has developed RCS and Apple has developed iMessage. The difference is that Apple has already decided not to release an iMessage client on Android, while Google has made public and private attempts to get Apple to adopt RCS instead of using MMS as a fallback.
Just as a side note, I don’t think either corporation are the “good guys”, but my desire to get E2EE and full resolution photos and videos cross platform make my goals temporarily align with Google in this particular case.
It depends on if they’re using RCS or not.
Yes. That’s exactly it
It’s not the color of the bubble. It’s the downgraded chat experience: grainy pictures, pixelated videos, and no E2EE.
Our kid was at a sleepover, recently. We got a video of all the kids playing together, but because it wasn’t iPhone to iPhone the video was a low resolution pixelated mess.
Is there a consensus on the definition of “clean” AI?
What OS would you use for the bare metal install?
In the US I trust a corporation as much as I do the government. They’re all greedy scammers.
Why would people think he knows anything about AI?
Sounds like the precursor to kubernetes and docker swarm!
Most Palestinians are Muslim and follow the Quran, not the Bible.
Just curious. What does the process of “pushing an app company to go Linux” look like?
Can we start with RCS integration or opening the iMessage protocol?
I appreciate your concern, but no worries. The company code is structured text as I program B&R PLCs and ChatGPT is pretty useless (so far) for that kind of code. The python code I paste in is more for personal hobbies.
At work when I write certain emails or code snippets I’ll paste them into ChatGPT and ask it to make the email sound “more professional” or “optimize this code.” ChatGPT also talks to me like SHODAN from System Shock 😆
That was my first NAS OS, too! It’s a gateway drug 😆