But, but… Hunter Biden… suping
But, but… Hunter Biden… suping
Another reminder, as if we needed it, that you should not under any circumstances use whatsapp
Yup, obviously they should have realised that Drump was a fine candidate whose personal charm, decorum and honestly would overwhelm any other candidate.
</S> obviously
Yeah, Drump won because, by and large, eligible voters didn’t bother to vote
There’s simply no where to go. Veer left and suddenly you are without your big money donors, the media and any chance of success. The narrative is completely controlled by the right wing dominated media (old media and new) and large donors with a huge incentive to support the status quo.
So, really, Trump won because people simply didn’t bother to show up.
Invest in you old age: Superannuation or some other savings device. You need to put on as much as you possibly can as soon as you can but this needn’t mean you plow all your income into it straight away. Transfer or invest as little as $20 per week initially, you’ll never miss it and after a few weeks or months keep increasing the amount till you’ve reached your ceiling. Reinvest your earnings or dividends, compound interest is a beautiful thing.
Of course he is, I knows his chances of actually winning the popular vote is next to zero (again) so he’s doing everything he can to try and save his orange arse. Because he knows that if he doesn’t win then the best he can hope for is spending the next four years inside a variety of courthouses.
This is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife…!
Powerpop. What’s not to like? Jangly guitars, vocal harmonies and killer hooks.
Crikey, how many Mooch’s did Lewandowski last?
Wow. Just, wow. I think you’ve really touched on a deeper truth here that many people simply haven’t arrived at.
Yes, there are many people in our society that a good but there’s also the willfully ignorant (and under educated) bullies who’s whole lives have been based on the flawed premise that they are simply better than everyone else.
Tina Peters is the outstanding example of this type of person. She wasn’t “brainwashed” or somehow changed. Her actions were a result of her deep seated belief that she is somehow more important, more worthy than anyone else. Trumpism simply gave these people an “acceptable” way of acting out on their world view.
Well, he did have to put up with her being in the same court room as him. Personally, I feel sorry for the Judge, he didn’t deserve this.
What a dead set weirdo
She really is a prostitute, isn’t she?
Not at all
Far worse than shit, some say the worst.
You need ranked voting
When they say: “soar” they mean the price went from an all time low of $16 up to $18. Less like soaring and more like a dead cat bounce. Mmmmm… dead cat 😺
Democratic Lawmaker ejected from House after DOING HIS JOB!!