Half way there
Jacking off the mayor
Take his cock
We’ll please it I swear.
Woah oh
Jacking off the mayor.
Half way there
Jacking off the mayor
Take his cock
We’ll please it I swear.
Woah oh
Jacking off the mayor.
Shocked I had to scroll this far to find it.
Superorganism is a great term that kinda applies as well.
The Alex Murphy.
I knew a kid in high school who’s family had spent some time living in a van. I guess the kid had an ongoing joke that they ended up in the van because his dad refused to learn java. Kinda funny, kinda sad. Couldn’t help but think of that when I saw this.
This is pretty fucking terrifying. Especially when you start consider how it would propel itself.
Does this feel a little peanuts?
Fucking love when my wife leaves, and I take my right hand off and enjoy my N*KED LADY BOOK.
Wouldn’t “Putting the Pop in Popeyes” make more sense and less hassle?
Too on the nose? Low hanging fruit?
Lol’d at this. Great job.
Yeah, it felt like the clown man was the company in the first two panels, then it shifts to hacker, then the final few are just confusing. Poor clown man, so many internal conflicts.
Depth of field is also playing a huge role in the stock “nice” images.
Much better now.
Having a good night?
Usually I look to my private trackers top 10 of the day/week.
Rarely does something new slip by me.
Oh God, the DAC guy… If it has enough power to make the cans go boom, then its fine… thats why we invest in cans.
Wireless is not always the answer, and people are sick of fucking dongles.
As someone who works in a real world enviorment utilizing years of very expensive legacy hardware, this whole, “get it down to a single USB c and buy a hub/dock” shtick is getting old. These ports just can’t disappear without causing major chaos. It’s a nice thought, but its not realistic.
Back home we had a local station, felt like a way of tuning into “the city.” Very few breaks outside of their pledge drives once/twice a year. Listening to the Jazz station here on short drives these days. Very few ads, and some pretty gnarly shit. College radio stations are also pretty easy to find and escape that ad insanity.
Don’t let radio and broadcast TV die quite yet, it’s still very viable, especially as we sort out net neutrality and failsafe systems in cases of emergency.