Dairy cows and beef cows are different breeds. There’s hardly any overlap worth mentioning. For the purposes of these kinds of reports, they might as well be different species.
Dairy cows and beef cows are different breeds. There’s hardly any overlap worth mentioning. For the purposes of these kinds of reports, they might as well be different species.
Is that last one granting access to closed APIs?
That’s a double edged sword if I ever heard one.
in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance
I liked to use a three tiered approach…
Back when we could jailbreak our iPhones I’d use this and overwrite the system’s hosts file. I still use it on my Mac, even if I can’t on iOS anymore.
A VPN is an excellent solution, but when selecting one, you have to read the privacy policy and NOT give the policy the benefit of the doubt. I’ve seen a few that give themselves permission to share your info while making it sound reasonable. I use lockdown personally.
For Safari Extensions, 1Blocker is what ai currently use.
This is a large reason why I dreaded Apple making iOS apps a priority for the Mac. Everything wrong about the mobile model becomes a first class citizen.
Yeah… there were a bunch of issues with the Virtual Boy.
A Sudo 3D experience on hardware that couldn’t handle 3D graphics, needed to be setup on a table, and a color palette that made the GameBoy seem high fidelity, never mind the red was horrid to stare at for too long.
It really was ahead of its time… in all the wrong ways.
I suspect, nothing less than Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft going all in on their next generation console would be enough to bring VR mainstream. As in, the VR being the primary way to play.
Of the three, I can’t see Sony or Microsoft doing it.
Maybe Nintendo, as doing weird stuff is kinda their thing, but even that’s doubtful.
I feel like voter turnout on (especially) local levels would be greater if we had to participate in Highschool. Get used to researching local politics would go a long way to instilling it in adulthood.
That and mandatory time off for voting would help.
I feel like this is a large portion of the missing puzzle pieces. The difference between real world and advertised ICE stats are somewhat padded, but not significantly. You’d expect the hybrids to have a similar degree of discrepancy, but it’s wildly out of range of expectations. It may simply be that the manufacturers are giving idealized stats, since while testing they would have access to their personal charger in a laboratory environment. But in the real world, owners cannot guarantee working/accessable chargers or even that they can charge at home, which would dramatically impact the results of this study.
Or at least, I’d assume that’s the case in the US. I don’t know what EU’s charging infrastructure is like, where the study was preformed.
TBH, the most astonishing reveal from the study for me was that Hybrid owners weren’t charging their vehicles. Unfortunately, the why isn’t covered in the study since it seems to just be hard math and statistical analysis.
Are they just not plugging in at night?
Too frustrated with the battery draining too quickly?
Driving too far for the battery to meaningfully contribute between charges?
Is the extra hardware mass making the ICE that much less efficient?
Laziness from having to fill both the battery and the gas tank?
To be fair, I’m really just judging the EC’s article writer. Not the trustworthiness of EC or the study itself.
When I saw the headline, I thought this was clickbait, since the headline and the linked article avoided quantifying how much CO2 the vehicles said they consumed vs the real world usage.
If you dig into the cited materials, it turns out it wasn’t hyperbole.
That said, I still consider it extremely poor form to omit the information the study was centering its argument around.
Okay, thanks! That was super informative!
Legit asking:
Up until relatively recently, the layman’s understanding of pollution was mostly focused on exhaust.
What caused the general shift in focus to microplastics, and by direct extension tire ware?
The problem is that it would have to be an entire movement. And you’d need to all back the same non-Trump candidate. Without that unity it’s spinning wheels in the mud.
In this specific case, FF3/6 is the same game. 6 was the third game to be localized in English, so on the SNES it was sold as FF3.
Oh Tactics is such an underrated masterpiece. I really hope we get that rumored remaster soon. 3/6 is also amazing, super easy, but so well designed.
The comic series is on Webtoons, and also here on Lemmy.
I don’t have a link to the original comic, but yeah, it’s obviously been edited here.
Luthor in Flash’s Body: I have no idea who this is.
This is why minorities are a prime scape goat for politicians.
Why be mad at some faceless corporation/politician, when you can blame the world’s issues on Garry that you see in the supermarket?