I didn’t even know that one. It’s so sad how Biden’s name has gotten dragged through the mud.
I didn’t even know that one. It’s so sad how Biden’s name has gotten dragged through the mud.
Incrementalism is just democracy, shit moves slow, people disagree, there are laws and procedures it prevents the country from wildly steering back and forth like a schizo. Not anymore now that Trump has won, we get to see those large scale structural changes now. There is no hostile out of touch group with a death grip on the dems, the far left just doesn’t vote, or they are not that big of a group. Moderate dems appeal to more Americans then the super progressives. Harris lost by like 1-2%, and that is AFTER trump/elon most likely rigged the election through suppression and probably also hacked voting machines. The far left not voting for Harris knowing full well that Trump is an actual fascist, is suicidal accelerationism that will get millions killed. Fuck em, get the fuck out, stop associating yourselves with dems. Make your own shitty fucking party and lose every election instead of pretending your dems and then throwing a hissy fit every time the candidate doesn’t do fascism the way you want.
Joe Biden was extremely left leaning for the average American. He did so many pro union things. He held an EV summit and didn’t invite Tesla, because they didn’t have a union. First president to cross a picket line. https://uwua.net/2023/10/president-bidens-union-record/ Democrat platforms have always been in the direction of higher taxes on the rich to fund more social safety nets. People just don’t like them because they aren’t good enough. When the alternative is explicitly anti-worker, anti-union, tax cuts for the rich, destroy social safety nets. This narrative needs to die. It’s not a failure of democrat policies or platform it’s just a failure of the media environment. It is purely a media problem. Democrats just need to start shitting out more tik toks and get more sycophantic youtubers like trump has, to jerk them off so the vibes shift.
ive seen this promoted all over the place for weeks
exactly, we should drop this approach of taking the high road, until they are gone
it’s #darkwoke, the only people who are offended by this are the Nazi’s, and that is exactly who we should be offending
keep telling yourself that you represent “the voters,” any not a tiny group of white college kids