Is anyone else’s tadpole squirming a lot more than usual?
Is anyone else’s tadpole squirming a lot more than usual?
Sorry, mixed up centaurs and minotaurs. Still gonna leave the fishman here because its nice.
Is this what mermaids look like to you?
Hello, I‘m a happy anonymous internet user in the internet and not at all working for a secret government agency. I am taking great interest in your cousin. Please send me the address of your cousin.
Your friend the internet user.
It‘t time for you to drive on the German Autobahn
As someone who worked for a trucking company before, I can tell you that no amount of simulation will equip you with the horrors that truck drivers have to live through every day.
Seconds before the crash: Presses ESC and disables damage in the settings
BG3 players be like: Thats one fast & fuckable bear
Luckily, the kids in Bangladesh don’t believe in Demons, thats why buying new is so important!
I hope they do better than expected, sadly the lower standards also the downside of their classification. But I think they commited to doing crash tests and also build in ESP by defaultc so at least the basics will be there.
I‘m just waiting on the release of the german X-Bus. A modular 600kg vehicle that counts as a quad and can be used as a bus/transporter/pickup/camper and recharges 30-50km of range a day through solar energy on the roof for under 20k€ is exactly what I want from an EV. I don’t need a 50k price tag with shiny smart features.
At first I thought “Oh cool, that bear wanted to take a swim”. Then I saw the broken tree and now I know why it looks so defeated.
I just used their Feedback form to tell them what a shitty practice that is and that I will never use their products again.
If its an overlay on the screen itself and not on the computer-side, theres just no way to detect it, as the ocerlay is not there when the image leaves the graphics card. Thats at least what the article describes.
The only way to prevent players from using this would be to exclude players using this specific monitor alltogether, regardless if they are having this function activated or not.
The new generation doesn’t use this bad design anymore. The Dyson Airblade V is just a box with two sharp edges that blows the water right onto your pants and the Airblade Wash+Dry works in a similiar way with a little bit sleeker design. Both of them have hepa filters too, so from a hygienic standpoint they are much better than their old airblades and the clones that filled the market.
As someone regularly using Arch, Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows I agree.
The advances Linux has made, especially in the last few years is just amazing. I can run the majority of my games through Proton, there are even some preconfigured packages with Illustrator and Photoshop CC that Adobe doesn‘t seem to care about at all.