Yep! Scanned documents and backups of photos, personal stuff and the families stuff. I host a few game servers too I guess for friends. Running great and more than enough power for everything I do, and I have as much redundancy as I can afford.
A waste of a perfectly good explanation.
Yep! Scanned documents and backups of photos, personal stuff and the families stuff. I host a few game servers too I guess for friends. Running great and more than enough power for everything I do, and I have as much redundancy as I can afford.
I found TrueNas scale to be what fits my needs but I tried unraid (trial) and open media vault first. Also not this is not my first rodeo as I’ve done “from scratch” Ubuntu, and bsd.
I just built a server from older parts off eBay. An i7 2600, Asus p8z77, a Silverstone c382 nas case, 32gb of 1333, a pny P600 video card and a 9200+8i hba card. Then I used TrueNas on an SSD and another SSD for docker containers and cache.
4k Plex streaming no issues, system is fast and the only issue I had was the old Asus boards don’t use pwm fan control.
Open Media vault just confused the heck out of me, I ran it for a few months and donated money to the team for their effort but it was too restricting for my needs. It was definitely a capable nas os but it didn’t feel like it fit my style which is more hands on.
TrueNas has snapshots and replication. I run 4 12tb disks for my live data, striped raid 1’s. Then I have two more 12tb’s in a raid 1 for my replication read only. It’s not enough space if I filled my live drives but I havent needed more yet for the backup. And I can always expand my backup set.
I also have a qnap tr004 das with some random drives in a hardware raid 5. That’s my third copy I do every so often.
The funny part is I didn’t want to pay for a Synology but ended up spending more on parts. However it’s incredibly powerful for what it does so I’m using that as my “happy little mistake”. It’s going to last a long time and run as many services that I could possibly want as a home user.
Makes sense. I didn’t get it from what was posted but I understand now from the replies. Thanks.
I don’t get why it’s a trick either. That’s the catchy headline right? But no word on if the changes apply into the past or it’s just lawyers trying to protect themselves for next time. It’s an email with new TOS and the ability to opt out.
No it’s not good for users and yes it’s a shitty 30 day notice in an email even I didn’t read yet because I’m so irritated with them.
But reading the patron post didn’t tell me how it was a trick and neither did the mastodon link. However the replies were good and helped fill me in on some details I wasn’t aware of yet on the actual breach. https://hachyderm.io/@thomasfuchs/111531294441702837
Not sure why the down votes on a perfectly acceptable question.
Ha! Absolutely correct and also just to drive the point home, “a few years” means 15 years.
I run Heimdall too. Simple and looks good. Let’s my gf easily get to my stuff.
Out of curiosity, how many magazines do you subscribe or have you subscribed to on Google news?
My feeling is that real or digital magazines are as useful as their newspaper counterpart but I don’t want that either. A web page with content is perfectly acceptable for the same purpose.
And if he said “well there are lots of different types of governments and we can all work together” or some non answer then the headlines would be “biden refuses to call him a dictator”. It’s a no win so the best course was to say it and smooth it over later because maybe it signals they can both be truthful.
Lots of good came out of this meeting overall in my opinion.
I used to use it for shopping lists, but then one day assistant said it had moved. I couldn’t find it, instructions were unclear so I gave up on shopping lists and keep.
I’ve been burned many times by Google since then, and they’ve taken me from a customer with a lot of Google products and services to only a backup email account and that’s about it.
I’m using Open Media Server on a PC. Docker for Plex and a DAS for data storage. It isn’t simple but it’s not hard and it’s been stable and easy to use after you figure out setup and get used to where things are in menus. It’s basically a nas with docker albeit a little slower because it’s USB storage.
I was subscribed to paramount+ for Star Trek, and occasionally I’d pause to catch Easter eggs or read something on the screen, get a better look at a ship, etc - but all I could see was a shirtless man selling me old spice. It was actually really frustrating.
P6P is a solid phone and I’ve had great luck with it. I haven’t maxed anything out so wondering why I should get a faster chip with more memory so I can take photos of my dog and message my friends. Google Fi is doing just $400 off a 8P which I may take because I don’t want their watch or buds. I’m not sure what I’ll do.
Unless there are some circumstances that switching will protect her then no. My opinion of course. I learned a long time ago that nontechnical people, young or old, need to value and want to use the tools or it will only cause frustration and less trust in your opinion on other things that may be more critical.
You can explain why something is better or worse but let them make their own choice without being pushed or they won’t be invested in the change.
Only politically convenient ones that could “help him” because they have some sort of power.
It’s a show to make it seem like he’s not the problem.
I wanted a newer car, so I rolled my existing auto loan into the newer vehicles loan. So easy right?
I was upside down on it for years and years. It’s so disheartening to drive a vehicle that’s falling apart and stranding you everywhere but still owe $10k on it. It was an awful decision that took years of pain but that was my lesson on buying things I can afford.
Pixel pass is the most recent service they’ve cancelled on me, my movies I bought on Google TV after being moved to YouTube but that service is gone too.
Their assistant devices have slowly gone crazy and barely understand anything and half the features for them have been removed for one reason or another.
Also the transition from the Nest app for my cameras which was amazing to the shitty Google home app which had half the features and didn’t work with all my cameras so I had half on nest and half on Google home.
Also their WiFi app is now also in Google home and it has less features than the original stand alone. So it’s not all free services, it’s things I’ve paid for and been burned over and over again.
I had a lot of their stuff over the years and it’s always great at first until… it’s not.
The DAS seems limiting because it’s USB. I’m limited on speed, and configuration. It works fine for what it is but it’s basically just a giant USB drive.
I purchased the TR004 because it was cheap and I needed storage. I don’t know what I would have done differently but I feel as though I’m limited by this device instead of enhanced.
A normal HBA/Controller with attached drives in a server would be my ideal I guess. Not possible at this time so I’m working with what I have!
I did that with this giant server I have, but I hate running that thing. This computer I’m using now is honestly a pretty small, proprietary computer and it has no extra headers, it’s pretty packed inside. I will be testing unraid after i’m done with OMV. Thanks for your help and suggestions.
Having a normal HBA would have made my choices a lot easier. Dealing with the DAS complicated it but everyone was pretty helpeful so I think I’m on the right track now.
“why fix what isn’t broken?” are words to live by and if I were a smarter man I’d listen.
I’m joking, kind of, I think we all have to fight off that “grass is always greener on the other side” type of thinking because my life would be better if i just had…or if i just did…or if i only changed…and then i’m back on selfhosted asking for advice again.
Was it a democratic though?? I don’t think it was. It mentions a conversation from someone to a democrat, but with no context as to why. Then says “it’s unclear who” actually had the hot mic.
Anyway, it’s a garbage article. Although the headline of the article and this post are different too so that may have thrown us off.