Please go fuck your self.
Please go fuck your self.
To be fair, it wasn’t a dog.
He named his media organization after a bunch of genocidaires for one.
I recall that one of the men ended up shooting themselves or their wives did or something along those lines. It was the one that did his best to kill as many people with chemical weapons as he could.
Everyone knows they invented the Haber-Bosch process. Pretty important shit.
I’m a webtiles man.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
Both are almost exactly like programming for me. Impossible not to get in the zone.
If I had this misfortune of having raw milk I guarantee that I would boil it before consuming it.
The whole “Buddy, they won’t even let me fuck the flag” might be my internet joke.
I don’t blame humans. I blame the rich. We don’t deserve this but they are too blinded by greed and the belief they are somehow separated from the world. The only solace I have is that they will die with the rest of us.
One does come with a bunch of potentially dangerous microbes
Yeah, who knows. There is a possibility that they get a vaccine for farm animals soon and that ends the pandemic. But I’m not counting on it. I’ve stocked up on masks and the like, but I’ve never stopped with social distancing, masking and the like so a new flu pandemic isn’t going to change my life much.
It’s in our factory farming animals. It’s been that way for a while. The administration if just fucking around with it and not culling like they should.
And farmers are concealing their infected herds because they don’t want their animals culled. So just assume it is everywhere. We are probably on pandemic II feat. RFK Jr and Trump very soon and it is going to be a lot of fun.
The good news for you is that these things are nonlinear. If AMOC collapses we are in a world of pain. Arctic methane, fires, etc will speed up everything. Pretty exciting on the extinction front.
I was about to say, General Grant annihilated the confederacy then President Grant tore apart the first KKK. He would probably beat the shit out of this member of the forth KKK.
We are going extinct…
I’ve got some good new for you
Most genocides have been construed as a defensive measure in the past. This one isn’t any different. Even if it was politically smart to genocide the Palestinians, it doesn’t make it correct or good. And many of the most vocal supporters of the Palestinian cause are Jews.
Better yet, let the migrants stay because they enrich our communities and are human beings just like you and me.
We could also enforce our labor laws uniformly and allow everyone to come and stay here if they wish. Give the migrants normal wages, while removing the stick of ICE that allows employers to abuse their undocumented labor force. Employers love ICE because ICE becomes enforcers if the labor force starts to get uppity.
You are scapegoating the wrong people. The real enemies are the people destroying our planet for illusory “profits” which won’t matter at all when the ecosystem collapses. Also, I don’t want a reply from a fucking fascist so don’t bother.