I’ve got 2, the freckle has broken containment and is multiplying
Double triangle? That’s a bi-force
Oh you’re right is solid state drive not disk
Where does that leave my solid state disk?
What’s the benefit to that, if I’ve got it running workout that manually set and it works great?
A bro-job, for good measure
I think you’re onto something
Yeah, Biden dropped out. Fuck me sideways.
I didn’t mean to attack you about the spelling, just curious since you did it more than once. and it made me think of Attack on Titan acronym, a funny juxtaposition
She argues that changing candidates this late could complicate the Ohio vote and lead to supreme court deciding the election.
What ‘pulse’ does that even matter about?
Also why do you write ‘AoC’ like that? Her name isn’t Alexandria of Cortes
I couldn’t not do that as well, which implies that to get that stinking rich and stay that way you must be some degree of sociopath
I just smack the whole can on the counter. The lid onto the counter edge, to be clear. Seems to work consistently, and lots of room to apply more force if needed
Impeachment of the judges is not the only way Congress has power over the judicial branch. Congress literally sets the rules about how the whole court functions, the number of seats, etc. One would expect Congress (regardless of which party is in power) to respond against the court if it feels threatened or subverted. But this scenario assumes just the court vs congress, it doesn’t assume an effort by multiple people across multiple branches to subvert the government as a whole.
Yes, this could happen. Then checks-and-balances would dictate that Congress and/or executive should step in and impeach or otherwise handle them
You’d be surprised at how dumb the average American is. And then imagine how dumb that suggests the lower half is.
But more seriously, this is exactly what “rules for thee and not for me” is. The cops are there to protect them and punish his rivals.
Americans, humble? We could never
You’re forklift certified?? I bow to you
There’s tons of kids running around at breweries.
Given, that makes the atmosphere different for sure