i totally agree with you. but the chance that he is also malnourished anyway is pretty great, given the circumstances. Kids are pretty harcore. he is worrying about his hair, not about the bombs.
i totally agree with you. but the chance that he is also malnourished anyway is pretty great, given the circumstances. Kids are pretty harcore. he is worrying about his hair, not about the bombs.
curly grey hair is vitamin deficency. he will recover once he eats right.
Other factors could also contribute to the greying of hair, including nutrient deficiencies, or medical conditions.
thats the fascinating thing about wrestling: you have so much to talk about.
yeah, I saw some interwievs, vince is far more scary than hulk, I mean, in a psyscho way.
I think he enjoys intimidating people. but thats just my personal impression from interwievs.
he was vince’s spy. of course thats a rumour, BUT … a whole lot of incidents.
We had one farmer buy that was, in hindsight, obviously abused by his parents, one 17 year old that became father, one 1,95 dude wanted to bash Noncoms skull in, we prevented that and saved him from jail time, same guy got back to base after weekend, his face beaten to a pulp.
they send him to infirmary as soon as he stood in formation, he looked like a humbled sad dog, personality broken. well, berlin train stations, you dont want start attidude with guys you dont know.
(noncom had it coming, this guy tried to kiss and touch me in the latrine, I was so confused, managed to struggle free some how. I whish I had found my anger, today I would have… i bet I wasnt the only guy who was molested)
and me with adhd in the middle, without knowing it.
i got ONE guy i whish I would have stayed in touch with. he called my roommate once, but they did not take his number. He was so friendly, humane and well meaning, I never forgot that.
well, military service is something. i am glad I did that.
ultimate warrior was kinda unhinged, I think wrestling fame was bad for his personality. but the stuff he said about hulk hogan seems to have truth in it.
I DID consider him, but I think he has some kind of thieves honor.
other side is sexual allegation stuff, and the sheer number of people he must have screwed over and under paid. i recently saw how DDP ended his career, it was sad. the baseball shadow guy who hang out it the rafters, same thing.
one thing he got right was, he gave brett hart the chance to hit him in the jaw, which brett hart did, and he went hard. maybe not as hard as brett could have, but still.
but maybe he believed brett would not do it.
No, i asked for the past. ancient times.
most men nowadays who talk about “men hunting” are fat slobs who couldn’t hunt a chicken with a limp ;)
thats sounds like anectdotal evidence ;-)
it is, thanks, i am learning the guiatr. is surf punk dick dale? i remember an album of his
Thanks! ill check it out!
I was shocked when i realized that people that talk bad about the hulkster are entirely justified. he must be the single most vile person in wrestling buisness.-
and there a a couple of very shady characters
no, that does not answer my question. but thanks
slayer song?
thanks for that detailed explanation, i value that. thats very interesting. yeah, i was in military at age twenty, we had a couple of bigger dudes, and they all passed those tests you have after 3 months.
at the first 5 km march someone died though. heart failure, nobody knew about his heart condition. luckily, that dude wasn’t in my building. pacing was way slower after that incident. they were deeply ashamed about that accident…
but this is what I complain about. but yeah, i went over the rails, you are right. you have a point.
in that other thread, i mean, where the crosspost is, they talked a lot about patriarchy and stuff.
and i wondered: if women in the past were hunting and thus using their skill like men do and yada yada, not gender roles like today and stuff, does that mean that there was no patriarchy back then?
ah, sorry, i didnt look that far. i should have. maybe its because of obesity? also, iq under 80 is not draftable.
and most incidents end with only one or a few shots fired.
so, someone did the math on that?
no vacuum, that means atmosphere. so lets say 1 atmospheric pressure the whole way.
which would be sad, because rain, clouds, ozone layer and countless other atmospheric phenomen would be impossible. so no life on the planet anyway.
how loud is the sun? does anybody know? what is the acoustic pressure on a certain orbit near the sun, iof there is atmosphere?
so, the acoustic presssure needs to reach earth. it needs to travel 13 years.
overcoming this much atmosphere between sun and earth eats energy, since there is a resistance. because there is an atmosphere, see? thats why sound gets softer and softer, the more away you are from the source.
so I guess the whole idea is bullshit.
but i am just a construction worker, maybe someone else will do the math.
i doubt any light rays would make it here. it would be pitch black dark.
the light would be scattered by the atmosphere.
the vaccum does not block sound. it just doesnt transmit it. there is nothing what can block.
same as vacuum does not suck. never. the key is pressure differential, the higher pressure dictates what will happen, not the lower pressure.
VERY difficult to say. first, you need protein and fat to build various substances anyway, so if oyu short on that, but have vitamins and mierals, it still wont work.
then you could have all the food you need, but be out of vitamins or minerals, then it wont work either.
Medication interaction can be a huge problem.
many vitamins have to do with keratine forming; keratine is like, nails and hair and hard stuff.
you have your hair follicle, lets say hair wise, everything is nice and dandy, but you have anemia, (way less red blood cells)
so oxygen does not get to your hair cell, see?
the problem is, those vitamins do not only one thing, but lots of things - and those things all interact with each other.
so you could be very well be out of several vitamins, that have nothig to to with hair, but this will still impede hair building.
a sure sign is multiple problems apart from the hair problem. like, broken ragged nails, fatty skin, pimples, oily hairy, swollen face, slow wound healing, fair of brushing teeth, candida on tongue. bad eyesight, and so much more.
I started with copper, than vitamin d, then vitamin c, then calcium, then magenisum. the magnesium did the trick a bit better.
once you have an imbalance, it goes bad from there, because of the interaction. for example, if you take magnesium with out calcium, you will deplete your teeth and bones from calcium. (if i remember correctly)
with out copper, iron cant be absorbed.
and so on.
so I guess one straightforward way would be bloodwork.