Baldurs Gate 3 has been working great for me on steam proton
Baldurs Gate 3 has been working great for me on steam proton
I worked in the computer and camera department of a local Circuit City a few years before they went out of business. We sold everything from your basic pocket digital camera up to some comparably expensive entry level DSLRs. We were trained to talk to our customers to get them talking about what their needs were, then show them several models which would fit the bill. Most customers would tell us about how they want to photograph their kids at sporting events, or how they want a camera that they take out for a night on the town (this was just before iPhones were a thing), etc.
One day I had a guy walk up looking at the expensive DSLRs so I introduced myself and asked him what sort of photography he was looking to do. Instead of the usual enthusiastic response, he seemed really uninformed and uninterested. He just knew he wanted the best camera we had. This was immediately odd, but I pressed on and went through my spiel about different accessories, like a camera bag, spare batteries, memory cards, lenses, etc. Whatever I offered him, he wanted. Including a telephoto lens that cost as much as the camera.
When it came time to ring him up for something like $1500 worth of merchandise, he produced a standard looking Circuit City credit card. A lot of folks had these, and processing a sale using one in our ancient mainframe point of sale system had a very unique and specific workflow compared to normal credit cards. If I had any doubt in my mind as to what was really going on, it vanished when that fraudulent card appeared on my screen not as a circuit city store charge but as a typical Visa. I froze for a split second, which I’m sure he noticed. We were also trained not to confront or try to stop criminals, and for all I knew this guy standing 2 feet behind me was ready to shank me before grabbing the goods and running for the door. So I processed the transaction and let him go on his merry way. The floor manager was MIA and didn’t find out what happened for at least an hour. Nothing ever came of it. I don’t think they even tried to check the tapes.
Windows 8 has entered the chat
I don’t want to feel good. I DO feel good. The truth is there would be no need to justify anything were it not for all the FOSS zealots throwing shade instead of just minding their business. Stop worrying about whether we feel good, and start thinking about why you want others to feel bad.
This is all just subjective opinion but I’ve been using connect for weeks and I bigly prefer Sync
I’ll repeat what I said in several other threads at this point:
I loved the old app, I still love the new app, it’s a pleasure to use compared to the alternatives I’ve tried, and I find the ultra subscription rate both reasonable and worthwhile to support a product I truly enjoy.
Sync is good for me. There’s plenty of other options if it’s not good for you.
The problem is he’s acting contrary to the idea of the libre community and seems to forget what drove people away from Reddit.
What drove me away from reddit is when they killed Sync.
I loved the old app, I still love the new app, it’s a pleasure to use compared to the alternatives I’ve tried, and I find the ultra subscription rate both reasonable and worthwhile to support a product I truly enjoy.
Sync is good for me. There’s plenty of other options if it’s not good for you.
Shrödinger was really on to something
I used nova for years, until I discovered Niagara. It’s so effortless to find and launch the app I’m looking for
My truck driving cousin likewise has BS in physics and a masters in education
I’ll take your word for it
I know you’re right. It just feels bad taking the high road when the accused has demonstrated he is manifestly unfit for office while also caught dead to rights under a mountain of publicly known evidence which includes his own admission of guilt.
If you’re on mobile clear your data cache. It seems to me like the app prioritizes a handful of cached songs it’s already downloaded, probably to save bandwidth, and doubly so when you’re in an area with poor signal.
Switched my nearly 70yo mother to Mint and she’s actually pretty happy with it. If she can do it, anybody can