Oh yea fuck Jorking rorlkiling Rowling
🤷♂️ could be a specific thing they told me n I forgot. Maybe as simple as don’t post lemmy screenshots trying to be funny. Idrc I used to be really into that community and got back into theory about it. I had like 100k karma , maybe less maybe way more , basically every post I’d put on that sub that got really big got taken down over the last year or so. I can’t speak to why mine specifically, but so far as I can tell they straight up Went through with like their definitive rules for posts or whatever and applied it retroactively and purged basically the whole top posts page halfba dozen times over at least. Maybe I’m just last to the party but the vague rumblings about how the main sub remains borked are well founded.
I mean, they didn’t do anything wrong. I just don’t like the rule(s) that I’m violating.
If it makes you feel any better it’s like 70% just me. Don’t feel too good tho b/c I am here owing to police beatings and being held in solitary confinement. So. Yeah 👍
No, it’s the last place on the internet that is actively curated instead of passively curated. You only see who you pick to follow. Can’t even blame the algorithm because there isn’t one.
Okay, so this is actually really interesting. It gets into how in the US, when we talk about slavery, we are specifically talking about chattel slavery as it was practiced in the Americas. And there’s actually a pretty strong argument that American chattel slavery is, if not unique in world history, it is more aberrant than other force labor systems throughout world history.
Absolutely mass incarceration, and the force labor system that goes along with it are incredibly distinct from American style chattel slavery, but this is because they’re arguably more in line with what slavery, distinct from chattel slavery, ‘usually’ meant. Basing a forced labor system off of race is more or less a modern phenomenon . There’s some nuance, but slave codes basically make up the core of available written records on the development of race as a cultural concept. [big ol’ FOR THE WEST label here]
Put me in coach
That was the fucking point of all this, right ? Like ‘how dare the poors slip through some material change in conditions through gov power’. ‘We’ll show them’ and then they did all of this
you are right and I invite you to say it louder.
What is the point of the private property system?
That’s great. I’m really glad to hear it. It’s not that they don’t exist. It’s that they are subject to violence under the law.
this is a bad faith reading of a basic ass fucking tenant of socialist theory. democrats, party of the educated, are feigning ignorance to try and silence dissent.
frfr its kind of staying in because it quadruples engagement. i like that tiktok headcannon
counterpoint, its not either or. this is a false dichotomy the democrats created and maintain as a rhetorical device to silence dissent. i will never vote for joe biden. ill vote for…, a couple of democrats down ballot. and that is the extent of my interaction with the legitimate systems of democracy in the US. if you dont live in a swing state, the presidential race is, effectively, not real for you. this is a basic tenant of “american electoral politics” , or as I like to call it, a tenant of US Authoritarianism
first result on duckduckgo my man https://www.capitoltrades.com/trades
hell yea
if I leave it there. It’s because it’s not foul enough to warrant a ban but I don’t want to press a little green check box explicitly endorsing its existence. I have been here the whole time :/ Yal couped me