I worship a shitload of deities and you should too
rpms were a pain for me when i transitioned as well but I’ve learned to love them
because the snap folder in your home directory by default starts with a lowercase letter while all the other folders start with uppercase (hidden folders don’t count)
all other reasons are secondary
rsync over ssh
Lmao that country is so fucked
Anybody with an education and a conscience should leave asap
tfw unironically using the word triggered
This is one of those situations where I hope everyone loses
Good point. How else do you know if you’re doing it right unless you’ve done it wrong before
You’ll want to switch instances in the settings. I have to do it all the time too.
Poor Nero never got to tell his side of the story
that sucks
A tankie stubs his toe and blames the CIA
When did they start caring about whales
Not a question and the dev has said already they have zero plans to do so.
Block this low-effort bot wannabe.
Eh this is one of those times that a broken tankie clock is correct