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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • had youtube open in a new private window on a vpn connection the other day after clicking a link to a video about the new raspberry pi compute module

    was scrolling down thru one of the top comment threads and noticed, sandwiched between relevant tech videos on the right? some talking head, designed to enrage (as opposed to inform) fox news video about nothing related.

    I think Im just done with youtube for the forseeable future. if your profit model requires inducing engagement like that, your product isnt good enough to stand on its own, and/or you’re ok with being shitty to make more money. either way, I want nothing to do with you at that point.

  • unfortunately we’ve entered an era where not wanting to condone/support/endorse/encourage shitty corporate behavior requires the sacrifice of not getting to enjoy most products and conveniences that are available. theyre often enjoyed by many other folks who just shrug and say “everyone else is doing it”

    I find most companies that undercut their competitors’ prices are cutting corners somewhere I don’t want to be involved in. quality and customer service has a price. I try as hard as I can to pay that price, or just do without.

    just try your best, pick your battles; it’s all anyone can do without going insane and/or full modernity-hermit

    (reminds me of the cattle “rancher” in ‘king corn’ who says theyd love to go back to selling grass fed, grass finished beef, but all anyone wants to buy is cheapass, corn sileage-stuffed feed lot crap, so it’s either sell that, or go out of business. producers cant just choose their market; there has to be a demand for it.)

  • etckeeper, and borg/vorta for /home

    I try to be good about everything being installed in packages, even if Im the one that made the package. that means I only have to worry about backing up my local package archive. but Ive never actualy recreated a personal system from a backup, and usually end up starting from a fresh install, slowly adding back things from the backup if I missed them. this tends to cut down on cruft and no longer needed hacks and fixes. also makes for a good way to be exposed to new paradigms (desktop environments, shells, etc)

    something that helps is daily notes. one file for any day Im working on my system and want to remember what a custom file, confg edit, or downloaded/created package does and why. these get saved separately and I try to remember to grep them before asking the internet

    i see the benefit to snapshots, but disk space is expensive, and Im (usually) careful (enough) not to lock myself out or prevent boots. anything catastophic I have to fix is usually seen as a fun, stressful learning experience! that rarely happens anymore, for better or for worse

  • one of my absolute favs. it’s a co-op where one player is randomly, secretly a cylon, sabotaging the groups efforts.

    you can toss people in the brig. theyll protest “Im not the cylon!!!” and if youre wrong (youre often wrong), the group suffers by losing the jailed character’s special ability, while trying to fight off an attack until managing to jump.

    best part? half way through, you draw new loyalty cards. sleeper cylon activated!!!

    its genuinely hard not to run out of food, or water, or just get overrun by a boarding party. some of the best fun losing Ive ever had

  • many times I’ve seen a new post and said "I’d buy a pile of that as stickers and put them up all over ‘amazonville’ (nobody calls it that- the chunk of Seattle where scamazon raized the old, gloriously grungy bars, affordable apartments and light industrial buildings, replacing it all with techbro filled, sterile glass towers and impossibly priced luxury condos)

    if there weren’t constant corposecurity wandering about, posters would be perfect. but there are plenty of light poles adorned with bright, colorful show posters in the surrounding neighborhoods, just begging to have some FOSS war posters tacked up on them