Mocha is gorgeous! What breed of kitty is he?
Mocha is gorgeous! What breed of kitty is he?
“The imaginary is what tends to become real.”
Capitalism is the most efficient system we’ve got for allowing narcissistic turds to rise to the top.
Imagine posting this meme when just today the DNC have announced their “new” leadership and it’s just the same as the old leadership, and they’ve done absolutely nothing to push back against Trump this whole time.
Just like they would have done nothing when Trumpists did a violent coup if the voting results were different.
Liberals only differ from fascists in degree, not the kind of ideology they follow.
God Americans are insufferable. You pillage and murder the world and blame anyone but yourselves. Why don’t you actually do something useful?
Could you please name one of these “commies”?
For me she was a bully and destroyer of anyone at home and abroad who tried to build a decent socialist society so they could steal resources and who gaslit us into thinking “capitalism is the best system we’ve got”.
There was never going to be a President Harris.
You have:
Very on brand for the Y-Combinator ghouls.
I don’t buy Bud Light because I drink real beer and I’m not a fucking American bozo.
I don’t buy Nike because they support Israel.
Why the fuck am I gonna buy OP a car? I use public transport.
Have fun winning arguments with the made up characters in your head. I’m gonna keep flipping off Tesla drivers.
If I see anyone driving a Tesla they’re a piece of shit to me. Stop making excuses and get rid of it. If you own a Tesla you’re not struggling, you can take the loss.
Or fully cooked.
Nope. Stirner gang also not right wing.
Right wing anarchists??? Please delete and remake this.
Just get rid of the cars. Build cities built for human communities, not for cars and mega corporations. Electric vehicles are a band-aid solution that’s not going to save us, and doesn’t solve the fundamental problem.
Bring on the brain drain. Death to America.
It’s gonna be on some kind of doge / twitter card and some dumb TRUMPCOIN crypto shit, not real money.
First as in first of many.