You have multiple levels of government dude
These jobs held by women that involve automation will not be replaced by artificial intelligence, per se, but by people who have mastered AI.
This is garbage, positing this prediction as a conclusion.
The rest of the article is also garbage, conflating things like the lack of women in executive positions with a skills gap. Women don’t have a meaningful skill gap in white collar work. They do get discriminated against.
It’s all, “women use AI less therefore women should use AI more!”
Fucking garbage.
You missed the point. Underpantsweevil made something new!
There’s good weird and bad weird.
If scheduled programming vs on demand was something that channel owners or users could pick for themselves it would be an apocalypse or a new golden age for YouTube.
Not sure which, but it would sure be different.
My g9x is getting flakey, and I’m very sad.
The most likely thing is it was a real attempt on his life, but he just got a scratch from some shrapnel or glass and was playing it up until he got bored of it.
A little bit before the attempt, people were discussing the testimony surrounding a dropped case against him, the woman recounted being 13 and was orally raped by Trump in '94. She refused to continue to testify after receiving death threats or something.
So this guy might have just been playing some pedo hunter fantasy out. He doesn’t have an online presence, if he did there would be some indication of being recruited if that was the case.
Look at this guy, carrying around a used gun.
That lists as a ddns provider.
They are pretty great, I use them as my domain host.
Man if I get started saying money ruins everything I’d never get the chance to say anything else
Stupid bollards
Ostensibly better opsec
What is wrong with you
I have no exact knowledge about why the gabgs appeared in Sweden
Finding that out will give you solutions to your problems
Immoral, malicious, unhinged
There are a lot of reasons I will never step foot in the USA.
Well yeah rich people pay for convenience everywhere.