The word “imperialism” does not mean what you think that it means.
The word “imperialism” does not mean what you think that it means.
Fair enough; I appreciate the in-depth take!
I was a nerd, so I tried really really hard to prove logically that my religion was the correct one… and failed.
I see no problem at all with lab-grown meat being the solution, but I would push back a bit on the notion that eating bugs is inherently unpalatable. The truth is that what makes eating bugs unpalatable is our current habits and inclinations think of this as being inherently “icky”, save for certain species that come from the sea. Changing these habits would not only switch us to consuming animal protein with fewer ethical and environmental issues, but also would open us up to new culinary experiences which we are currently depriving ourselves.
Having said that, I have never tried hard to overcome my own habits and inclinations, even though I probably should, so I am not going to judge anyone else for not having done so; the above paragraph is a musing rather than me trying to dictate anything to other people.
I could not agree more that anyone who points out the negative ethical and environmental repercussions of eating meat and suggests that it would be better if we all switched to eating more bugs and/or lab-grown meat instead is really just trying to oppress the poor!
(Just to be clear: I myself find it extremely hard to change my habits so I do not negatively judge anyone else for continuing to eat meat, but I do negatively judge people who derail the entire conversation about the best way to proceed given the reality of problems with eating as much meat as we do by accusing me of having bad intentions.)
No, because the people who really think that this is what is going on are also people who are stubborn about changing anything about their lifestyle, so they will continue to eat meat.
Ah, but you see, JavaScript is not so straightforward. It tries to help you by automatically inserting missing semicolons, but the approach that it uses is that it will insert them in the first place where doing so would make the code parse. This, unfortunately, means that semicolons are often inserted in places where you were not expecting them, so the advice is to always include them manually yourself so that you are never unpleasantly surprised.
Nice try, but this post is actually now talking about JavaScript, which means that the close parentheses areautomatically inserted.
Yeah, I had been willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt that this was all part of a big joke, until I saw that the rest of their blog postings are also just like this one.
My humanity.
More like a scratch you just can’t itch.
“We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights.” - also Schumer, immediately after saying that.
My services are so small that it is impossible to know just how fast they are running!
Poe’s law strikes again!
That is what makes it Enterprise-grade!
Historical revisionism at work:
The astroid shot first.
It is not a good sign when your wife indicates that if you were a stranger then you would be completely unappealing to her, especially in the context of a game explicitly being played with the goal of improving the relationship.
I wouldn’t worry about it given that Rust has issues binding to C++.
Wow, it is impressive the lengths people are willing to go to vandalize Musk’s property as a form of political protest!