I mean, it’s nice they gave them a head’s up? Hmmm. Maybe I shouldn’t keep hitting snooze on my “buy a gun” reminder.
I mean, it’s nice they gave them a head’s up? Hmmm. Maybe I shouldn’t keep hitting snooze on my “buy a gun” reminder.
We really need him to go full on windy tits and call for action. I’m exactly one Bernie blessing away from being a radical.
I want to go to that bar. An ass-kicking nazi-hating bartender who doesn’t want to chat me up. Absolute heaven.
I’d love for them to come for tea and cake. Much easier than delivering it.
Please, hold your applause.
We do t deserve Bernie
They say, while tumbling head first into tyranny.
This is an unpopular opinion with .world mods, but I believe nazis should be dealt with immediately.
Holy Jesus Christ that’s even worse.
The image isn’t loading in a preview for me so I thought I’d just make it visible.
I don’t want Elon must choosing what to install on government computers.
Whatever they call the party in 100 years from now is not a concern of mine.
I only give money to Luigis.
Oh look another distraction article to make sure republicans stay in office.
Keep it up, AOC.
It’s required in my state before purchasing, so I would be.