Solar panels and a vasectomy
Solar panels and a vasectomy
Lol, yikes, that guy was all “sarcasm liked the Internet” like it was his religion and he was 💯% wrong. It’s like, check out my next Ted talk on how onomatopeia killed the telegram. Lol, can you imagine? 💀💀💀 (/s, obvi 🙄)
That’s not a great comparison, because no mass murderer on death row has ever come close to the level of deaths this CEO is responsible for.
I definitely agree that rent should be much more controlled and affordable. And yeah banks definitely don’t need more money. But a majority of Americans have fixed mortgage rates under 4%, which makes a lot of them keep their old house when they move, and just rent it out. Which just makes it harder for people to break into the housing market. And houses are an investment that renters don’t have access to, and that’s just one of tons of things that keeps poor people poor.
100% agree. It’s crazy that we have 30 year fixed rate loans with basically no penalty to refinance. Don’t get me wrong, it’s working for me, but I wish it was different because it’s so unfair.
I don’t have calf cramps, but sometimes I’ll be flexing my toes and I’ll feel one start to fire up a cramp, and it’s a fast-paced high-stakes game of Operation, where I keep moving my toe around trying to find the magic relaxation spot, while it sends off more and more alarming pre-cramp warning buzzes. (That may not be a perfect metaphor but I got tired of thinking of board games. I also considered Battleship.)
IT systems need a way to pre-enter an account deactivation, and when HR sends a text to the system it makes it live, or something. I’ve been the IT guy who was told to disable an account, and the user found out before the news was broken so they asked me what was going on. No bueno.
I guess I was thinking of how to videos like how to fix a part on your car. But yeah I can see how how to videos like that still being an opportunity for Google to make money.
People who watch tutorial videos only get on, watch the video and then leave. How are they supposed to make tons of advertising revenue from that? No, we must sacrifice that class of video from the platform, in pursuit of the almighty dollar.
They intentionally called her that so you would think of it, so it’s not you, it’s them.
Justice system: But he has money, sooo…shrugs
There are probably better returns on making games for the existing markets, vs gambling money making games hoping to grow a new market. If VR ever truly takes off, they can always jump in later. (Which is a shame because I would love it if there were a ton of great VR games)
I don’t have an aversion to underground games, but I think on some level I don’t love games/movies set out in deserts, whether they’re sandy or rocky. I think in the back of my mind, I’m thinking “man, that looks uncomfortable and dry. I wouldn’t like being there.”
I don’t avoid things set in deserts, and I’m sure I’ve seen/played many good things in that setting, so it may not be as strong as your underground thing, but yeah, I think I have something similar.
Okay, that’s all, now we can proceed to call me Anakin Skywalker.
They were just following orders.
Wait, I’ve heard that before somewhere…
Can’t wait to play it!!!
*Obvious money laundering is money laundering (and also a scam).
Haven’t heard of it before now
Actually, I saw enough comments about people switching to Linux that I finally said “what the hell” and took the plunge! Very glad I did, as I read more and more crap Microsoft is doing.
And if you don’t like comments that won’t change anything and just annoy people…maybe you should reevaluate your bellyaching 😄
How about if valve has an agreement with developers where if they release a game in early access, and then abandon it, it switches to free-to-play?
Developers don’t have to pay for the servers, and the source code isn’t released. Gamers get to still play it, if it had any redeeming qualities, or for nostalgia. And valve gets…uhh… community goodwill? Honestly the lack of benefits for valve is probably why this will never happen.