Who needs an education when your high school biology class from the 1970s makes you more qualified than the epidemiologists to speak on matters of health and disease in the population?
Who needs an education when your high school biology class from the 1970s makes you more qualified than the epidemiologists to speak on matters of health and disease in the population?
When my lungs give out I’m getting gills.
They already are… Look at the states and counties that vote red. Leaders in education and life expectancy they are not. Great in poverty with a dearth of opportunity they are. Over the decades these places have been ravaged by big business. Then business moved overseas and opiates moved in.
What do these people do? In a flash of absolute genius they vote in the guy whose administration is filled with tech bros. The problem is the tech bros all think these people are trash and are happy to see them occupied by video games and drugs.
So clearly the immigrants working for low pay are the reason the economy is fucked. The solution must be the administration whose only legislative accomplishment was a massive tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. Because the economy can’t possibly be fucked because as a society we’ve given to the top 1% all of the gains in productivity since the 1980s.
What happens to all the normal non cartel people caught up in the middle of your drug war?
Maybe some better healthcare?
Ben Burgis went on his show a couple years ago, he wrote an article about it (https://jacobin.com/2022/04/the-joe-rogan-experience-podcast-democratic-socialism). Sam Seder just did an amazingly patient appearance on the Tim Pool show. So they get on the popular show and spend a ton of time just establishing basic reality with the hosts. Then we get stuff like Carlson not airing an interview with Rutger Bregman not because he was spouting white supremacists rhetoric but because he called for taxing the ultra wealthy. Carlson and Fox have no problem platforming the neo-nazis.
The thing is all their shows and content are free and the right wing content is way more popular. People want their junk food content, the kind of stuff that makes them feel smart and never challenges them. Maybe we need to spend more time teaching viewers basic critical thinking skills and media literacy. Something like before youtube let’s you play that third whatifalthist video you have to take a quiz that demonstrates you don’t have donkey brains.
I’m not a Rogan fan and have only seen a couple of his “interviews” but the guy is really stupid. The ones I saw Rogan acted like the kid that didn’t read the book before attempting to interview the author for three hours about the book.
It is all good to have an open mind but maybe not so open your brains fall out. Anyway, the problem I have is that these are not serious people, Rogan is either unwilling or unable to do even the most basic amount of research into a topic before platforming a guest. What is impressive to me is that people eat this shit up. Rogan is like Fox News because they are both just sugary nonsense with no meat and potatoes.
The way I see it these casters are doing to politics what Ancient Aliens did to history.
I think what they are saying is that Rogan has no values or principles and can easily endorse freedom and unfreedom thus averaging out to a middle position. Truly the most open minded individual can both believe the earth is a globe and flat.
I don’t know about you but some of us chose to get born. I remember rolling my round ass down through a warm long tube as I waited for my other half to meet up. And, I also remember waiting patiently for the right blast off, one that wasn’t going to end up in or on a tummy, and swimming so hard and fast past all the other guys.
I’d still probably do it again, but it would’ve been nice to know more about the outside world. But back then it was all just about swimming and trying to hook up.
Women’s Suffrage was fairly significant and the Civil Rights movement also used protests. Then in the 2000s people rose up against the canceling of Firefly and demanded a movie as compensation. Serenity was that movie and it was awesome and it remains amazing.
Finally, internationally one man named Gandhi used nonviolence to defeat the British empire.
I think it has to do with our ability to manage large societies. People evolved in small groups and now we are trying to manage hundreds of millions of people under the same systems. Humans are not inherently good at abstract thinking and critical thinking skills are taught not hard wired.
So we have hundreds of millions of people all living in the same capitalist neo-liberal economic system, but that might not work for all of them. Well we just let those people wander around forming tent cities. All because our culture says if you are poor or homeless then you failed, not that the system failed the individual.
I’m not an expert on small human societies, but from my understanding homeless starving people wouldn’t be tolerated in a community of like 150 or so.
Oh these idiots are probably very likely going to spike crime in about a decade. It’s been right around four-ish years since the abortion bans went into effect. So those unwanted children that are being force birthed will be young teens in about a decade. A bunch of poor unwanted teens living in localities that defunded all their social programs is probably not the anti crime kindling republicans think it be.
It means they aren’t serious people. The Trump administration wrecked up the country with their shitty dangerous response to covid and their conservative base spent the entire time complaining and attacking healthcare workers.
Serious people propose ways to address problems and work based off of facts. Conservatives are off on witch hunts and high on identity politics.
This election was a referendum on the neo-liberal order and it lost. Trump represents populist nationalism, if the transactional nature of his first term is any indicator he’s gonna sell off as much as he can to the highest bidders.
TLDR: A bunch of angry working class folks just handed the country to the billionaire oligarchs, possibly under some delusion the wealthy won’t keep robbing them blind.
It is already hard enough knowing a non zero percent of adults in our society voted for Trump. I’m not sure I could handle watching them vote for JD.
I think when SCOTUS and Florida gave the presidency to Bush Jr. was the major attack on the system of democracy that we practice. Gore v Bush Jr. taught the conservatives how to harness the dark side of the law. Now they engaged in their lawfare stage of fascism.
If I were in charge of any of their campaigning I’d also hammer reproductive rights, weed, and healthcare. Instead it looks like the Dems are going to keep getting cornered on the economy and Israel.
Amazing a right winger taking advantage of the social safety net they spend all their time trying to destroy.
What tiny bit of democracy that we are allowed is totes at stake. Trump’s administration is talking about regressing us back centuries in this country. Like corporate towns and child labor back. And all because some brain rotted morons are mad eggs got more expensive. Well it just makes me sad, cause they have no idea how bad shit can get for the common citizen.
The one time we all could’ve used conservatives’ hatred of minorities and they just let us down.
This already happened during his first administration. His family was using private e-mail and all of them were using unsecured devices. The news covered it and conservatives covered their ears.