Do you want Temu Pinhead to show up? *We have such deeply discounted sights to show you. *
I dig this one a lot. Is this part of a larger storyboard?
Thank you!
Thank you! I had a rough idea of a layout when I started, but this was very much an organic sketch, about ninety percent “just roll with it”.
Thanks for looking into this, officer Silkshirtski. Beth left here last night with that dirtbag Glenn, and he just kept saying he was “gonna take our daughter out tonight” and asking us if we wanted to “find hell with him”? We’re just sick with worry over here.
Woodworking Jesus warned us against the evils of epoxy river tables and lichtenberg figure burning.
The bag is full of post-1999 MTG cards that I will trade for pre-1999 MTG cards.
Gender reassignment?
You’re gonna win it in the CROSSFIRE