My pollinating, proboscis-prone friends are offended.
My pollinating, proboscis-prone friends are offended.
It’s the subtler version of hostile architecture. You know how they designed benches to be impossible for homeless people to sleep on? They do not want a customer to stay at the building after they have made a purchase. It is more efficient if the children do not come inside and a new customer can take their place. The building is not made for humans, it is made for money.
My local library has Nintendo Switch games to rent for two weeks at a time. Just got to play Link’s Awakening and Kirby and the Forgotten Land all the way through for free. I think I’m going to go ahead and buy Triangle Strategy based off of my play experience.
Work within the constraints of the first past the post voting system you have while working toward ranked choice or something more functional.
Maybe just never heard of drummer boys that small.
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It looks like a portrait of a military general.
And keep in mind that the Fix-a-Flat kind of spray will make your tire unrepairable.
So there’s a few different types of angels described in the old testament. This forum post cites some of the descriptions. The Ophanim description from Ezekiel is the stranger one. Here’s a link to the Amplified translation that I like to use to get a better idea of the source.
Imagine trying to find shoes that don’t look like clown shoes when your toes are that spread.
Not OP, but most of what I watch is on Youtube as well except for Lindsay Ellis and The Great War.
Slightly defunct with good backlogs:
I think this is a common misconception about how electability works in a first-past-the-post voting system. There is no benefit to going with a compromise position or reaching out to moderates. The number of people who can be persuaded to vote one way or another is miniscule. The number of people who can be persuaded to vote or not to vote is massive.
If people are excited or scared, they come out to vote. With disenfranchisement primarily focused on progressive and minority voters, there’s not much left to gain in scaring regressive conservatives more, they already vote at high numbers.
Oh snap. You’re right!
Tokyo Story from 1953 and Ozu’s most well-regarded work. If you’ve never noticed how a director frames a shot in a movie before, this one will make you aware of how well it can be done.
What is being strange? Am just a normal warm-water port-loving Americain like you.
It wasn’t a game I played at the time, but I really enjoyed going back to play it last year.
That’s why there’s been no reboot or sequel. We’re only just now catching up to the futuristic levels of depravity he foresaw.
Yeah, we’ve got to get rid of all of this Bronze-age crap they’re teaching our kids.